Morling College Blog

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Michael Hogg - Master of Counselling - Student Interview

Tuesday 26th March 2024

1. What degree did you study and when did you graduate?

Master of Counselling. Graduation March 2024

2. Where do you find yourself serving God now?

I am working as a Community Counsellor for NSW Health Clinical Services - Drug and Alcohol in Taree NSW. It is a wonderful opportunity to work with members of the community to bring health, healing, wholeness.

3. What is something that you learnt that really ‘stuck out’?

The importance of being self-reflective as a counsellor, holding a mirror up to myself to consider my own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and how they might impact on the therapeutic alliance.

4. What is your favourite memory from college?

Seeing the beautiful growth, development, and softening of my cohort over the years, and then realising I too had changed and grown.

5. Why did you decide to study counselling?

I have always had a God-given calling for ministry, to serve and help others. Studying counselling has given me greater skills and capacity to journey alongside people at their point of need.

6. Why did you choose Morling College over other colleges and universities?

I chose Morling because if it’s high quality teaching that incorporates the whole person including one’s faith and spirituality.

 7. And lastly, how has study informed your current practice?

My studies have informed my counselling by giving me a quality, in-depth knowledge base; leading-edge practical skills taught by experienced professionals; and personal growth and self-awareness that allows me to be a more grounded and present counsellor.

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