Cherie Hounslow
Future Student Officer (Sydney Campus)

David Lakos
Pastoral Group Individual Supervisor

David Nockles
Adjunct Lecturer

Elizabeth Hutchison
Adjunct Lecturer

Emma Wylde
Adjunct Lecturer

Janine van der Kooy
Library Technician (WA)

Joverly Damien
Online Administrator

Julie McKay
Clinical Group Supervisor

Kerry Todd-Smith
Policy Coordinator

Len Calhoun
Adjunct Lecturer

Matt Anslow
Plunge Co-Director

Penny Bell
Adjunct Lecturer

Rachel Stuhr
Adjunct Lecturer

Rob Ferguson
Adjunct Lecturer

Ross Clifford (AM)

Ross Clifford (AM)

Sophia Suleiman
Content Creator

Tim MacBride
Principal | Lecturer in New Testament and Preaching

B.Th.(Hons), M.Th., Th.D., B.Mus., A.Mus.A.

Tim has been on the Bible and Theology faculty at Morling since 2008, lecturing in New Testament and Preaching, as well as serving as the faculty Dean since 2019. He was appointed Principal in 2023. His research interest is in rhetoric - both in the New Testament texts and in contemporary preaching.

Prior to teaching at Morling, Tim was the Associate Pastor at Narwee Baptist Church for 8 years.

Recent Publications:

“Persuasion in Preaching: A Social-Psychological Analysis of the Sermon to the Hebrews” in Showcasing the Psyche in the Bible, ed. Heather A. McKay & Pieter van der Zwan (Sheffield, 2023).

“Imitators of the Lord in Severe Suffering” in Divine Suffering: Theology, History, and Church Mission, ed. Andrew J. Schmutzer (Pickwick, 2023).

“The preacher as tour guide: Becoming better curators of the biblical text.” St Mark’s Review 258 (2021): 36–48.

To Aliens and Exiles: Preaching the New Testament as Minority-Group Rhetoric in a Post-Christendom World (Cascade, 2020).

"Preaching Paul to Australians" in Preaching with an Accent, ed. Ian Hussey (Morling, 2020)

"Aliens and Strangers: Minority Group Rhetoric in the Later New Testament Writings" in Into All The World, ed. Harding & Nobbs (Eerdmans, 2017).

Catching the Wave: Preaching the New Testament as Rhetoric (IVP, 2016).

Preaching the New Testament as Rhetoric: The Promise of Rhetorical Criticism for Expository Preaching (Wipf & Stock, 2014).

Gayle Kent
Vice Principal (Students and Community) | Lecturer in Pastoral and Practical Studies

BADipEd, GradDip Counselling, MAChrSt, MIntEd (School Leadership), GradCert Professional Supervision (Pastoral)

Gayle joined the Morling team in 2006, serving as the Dean of Students from 2008-2019 before being appointed to the Leadership Team in 2019. Her role involves overseeing our teams who interact with students at all points of their journey at Morling, with a particular focus on student services and student success. She enjoys working with others to develop a welcoming, supportive and transformative community for students and staff. Gayle also lectures in the Pastoral and Practical studies units; drawing on her experience in pastoral ministry and professional supervision. She has a passion for all people to grow together in wisdom, understanding and passion about how God has shaped them and what he has gifted them to do.

Recent Publications

"Adult, Single and Christian: Exploring the Impact of Gender Expectations and Family Roles." In The Gender Conversation : Evangelical Perspectives on Gender, Scripture, and the Christian Life, edited by Edwina Murphy and David Starling, 93-102. Macquarie Park, N.S.W.: Morling Press, 2016.

Out of our Comfort Zones: Connecting transformative pedagogy and intercultural competence in Christian Higher Education Paper Presented at International Conference for Christian Educators BTI, Tauranga NZ 2018

David Starling
Vice Principal (Academic) | Lecturer in New Testament

MA, Dip Ed, BTh (Hons), BMin, PhD

David Starling joined the Morling faculty in 2005 and has lectured since then in New Testament, Hermeneutics, Greek and Theology.

He became the Head of Morling’s Bible and Theology Department in 2014, and was appointed as the Chief Academic Officer in 2019. He exercises a senior role in ministry and leadership, overseeing learning, teaching and research across the faculties.

David worked as an English teacher in Western Sydney before completing theological studies and serving as a pastor in Sydney's Inner West. He and his family currently attend Chatswood Baptist Church.

Recent Publications

Reading Ephesians and Colossians (Smyth & Helwys, 2020)

Hermeneutics as Apprenticeship (Baker Academic, 2016)

UnCorinthian Leadership (Cascade, 2014)

Not my People: Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics (DeGruyter, 2011).

View Publications by David Starling here.

Peter McCrindle
Chief Operating Officer

BEc (Accounting), MA (Christian Studies)

Peter started as General Manager at Morling College in November 2013 after serving more than 10 years in leadership roles in an international development organization. He then became the Chief Operating Officer in 2019. Peter provides effective oversight and leadership of Morling College operations including finance, information and communications technology, property maintenance and development.

Peter is on the executive leadership team and facilitates governance, risk management and strategic planning through the College Board and its subcommittees and as a director of the Morling Foundation and Tinsley Bequest.

Andrew Sloane
Dean of Bible & Theology | Lecturer in OT and Christian Thought

M.B.,B.S. (Hons 2A), B.Th. (Hons 1), Dip.Min., Th.D.

Andrew was appointed Lecturer in Old Testament and Christian Thought in 2002, and as Dean of Bible & Theology in 2025. He teaches in the areas of integration of faith and work, OT exegesis (Genesis, Deuteronomy, 1&2 Samuel, Ezekiel, Psalms), OT interpretation, philosophy of religion and bioethics. Andrew qualified in medicine and practiced briefly as a doctor before going into Baptist ministry. Prior to moving to Morling, he taught at Ridley College in Melbourne (1996–2002). He has published in Old Testament and hermeneutics, ethics, philosophy, and theology.

Recent Publications:

Vulnerability and Care: Christian Reflections on the Philosophy of Medicine (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016)

 At Home in a Strange Land: Using the Old Testament in Christian Ethics (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2008)

Tamar's Tears: Evangelical Engagements with Feminist Old Testament Hermeneutics (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012) - editor

Andrew’s current research focuses on matters relating to theology of medicine, the integration of faith and work, and philosophical theology.

View further information about Andrew Sloane’s research.

Scott Smith
Dean of Education

PhD in Education, Master of Research and a Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL), Master of Arts, 

Scott has lived most of his life in Sydney, but he has also spent an extended period in China where he learned Mandarin and taught English. Prior to living in China, he worked as a secondary teacher for 9 years, teaching HSIE courses such as Geography, Legal Studies and Business Studies. Upon his return from China, he worked as the Academic Manager of a private English college in Sydney. After this, and following several years promoting Mandarin courses for the Department of Education, he went back into research. Scott and Anji have two adult children who both live in Sydney.

Scott’s Bachelor’s degree at Macquarie University prepared him for secondary teaching. Whilst teaching he completed a Master of Arts in Geography at the University of Sydney. Following his time living overseas, he returned to Sydney and gained a Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL) and a Master of Research in International Studies at Macquarie University. His subsequent PhD focused on intercultural language teaching and teacher beliefs.

Scott's research interests lie in the fields of languages education, teacher beliefs and leadership in schools.

Kim Kownacki
Dean of Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care

GDipCouns, MCouns, RN (previously)

Kim commenced at Morling College in 2014 as an adjunct lecturer and supervisor for practicum students completing their Master of Counselling and joined faculty in 2018. She became the Dean of Morling’s Counselling & Chaplaincy Department in early 2025, after a period as the acting Dean in 2024. Kim has extensive experience lecturing across a range of subjects including: Therapeutic Communication Skills, Counselling Theory & Practice, Child and Adolescent Counselling, Group Dynamics and Facilitation, and Advanced Therapeutic Group Facilitation.

Kim was previously a Registered Nurse, specialising in the Cardiothoracic area, working in the UK and across many major hospitals in Sydney. She commenced clinical counselling practice in 2006, working in private practice and agencies including Salvos Counselling.

Kim is an experienced counsellor and operates her own private practice, working with individuals, couples, families, adolescents, children and provides clinical and pastoral supervision. She has facilitated professional development workshops across a number of subject areas, including Trauma Informed Care, and was the Lead Trainer for Greater Western Sydney, Salvos Counselling. She is an accredited supervisor and clinical member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA).

Stuart Adamson
Associate Dean of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

BA, MA Christian Studies, MA Pastoral Supervision

Stuart has served as a chaplain, chaplain trainer and pastoral supervisor at Anglicare Sydney for 15 years, with his primary ordained role being in chaplaincy leadership at the Prince of Wales and Randwick Hospitals Campus. Stuart has lectured in pastoral supervision at St Mark's National Theological Centre and in chaplaincy skills at Ridley College in Melbourne.

Stuart has also worked for 15 years in Japanese media both in Japan and Australia as a translator, researcher and writer before joining the pastoral staff at St John's Maroubra in Sydney's East where he is still involved in occasional preaching and regular discipling of men. Stuart is also serving as an Anglican chaplain in a part time ordained role at Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital in Sydney’s south west.

Recent publications

Stuart was involved in the translation into Japanese of a book by Jill McGilvray called "God's Love in Action, Pastoral Care for Everyone", (Acorn Press, 2009).

Gillian Dixon
Associate Dean of CCSC (WA)

DipMin, BMin (Past.Couns), MCnsig&Psychthpy, Candidate for DCouns.

Gillian has recently joined the team at Morling College from her role as the National Counselling Coordinator for an Australian university. Gillian is a compassionate, professional and experienced clinician, clinical team leader, Chaplain, lecturer, unit coordinator, and Chaplaincy Supervisor, with many years of management in tertiary education institutions.

Gillian has been employed in both academic and clinical roles in counselling and pastoral care for the past fifteen years. Most importantly, Gillian is passionate about the counselling profession due to continually witnessing deep, transformative change in client’s lives as they journey to discover a new purpose, desire and meaning in life. Gillian is a registered Clinical Member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and is doctorate candidate completing a Doctor of Counselling with the University of Notre Dame Australia. “Help! I am a student!” is a qualitative exploration of student perceptions of counselling received at a university counselling service.

Aaron Chidgzey
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

BTh (Hons), PhD

Aaron began his undergraduate degree in theology at Vose in 2010 and loved it so much he never left. Even when he worked on his PhD at Murdoch University he was teaching at Vose and was involved in the VET courses. His research focuses on the resurrection of Jesus, the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg and N.T. Wright, and has recently expanded into church history.

Abigail Markey
Casual Receptionist and Admin Assistant (NSW)


Abigail has been a student at Morling College since 2020 and began working at Morling as a casual in August 2023.

Aidan Luke
Adjunct Tutor (BAT)

LLB BComm BA(Hons) MDiv MA(Min)

Aidan has been part of the Morling team since 2015, serving primarily as an adjunct lecturer in New Testament. He is currently completing a PhD on joy in the Gospel of Luke.

Aidan is also the senior pastor of Hughes Baptist Church in Canberra.

Recent Publications:

“Contingency, Joy, and the Kingdom of God: Theological Reflections on the Relationship between Divine and Human Joy” in Baptists and the Kingdom of God: Global Perspectives, ed. T. Laine Scales and João Chaves (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2023), 107-130

Anastasia Broadbent
Branch Manager, Heather and Noel Vose Library (WA)

BA (English)

Ana started with us in 2021 as our Library Officer in Perth. She has experience in a range of occupations working as a library officer in various schools, video editor, pottery assistant, pharmacy assistant and working in the health food industry.

Andre Kurniawan
Director of Student Services

BA, DipB, GradCertBus

Andre joined the Vose Campus in early 2019 as Director of Student Services, and was appointed the national position after the merger. Andre's role is to improve the operational structures, data management and the student life cycle and educational experience for the students of Morling.

Andre worked in the higher education sector for 6 years prior to starting this role at the Vose Campus, in student services, admissions and student recruitment.

Andrea Moore
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

MCouns; BChrStud; AssocDegTheol

Andrea joined the faculty in 2021 and lectures in Group Dynamics and Facilitation, and Mental Health Management. In addition, she delivers Mental Health First Aid for Morling on behalf of Mental Health First Aid Australia.

In addition to lecturing, Andrea works as counsellor and neurofeedback clinician in private practice. She has previously worked as a pastor and school chaplain.

Andrea is a graduate of Morling College. She lives on the South Coast with her husband Dean and they have three adult children.

Andrew Dunstan
Assistant Dean of Bible & Theology | Lecturer in Christian Thought

BMin, BTh (Hons), GradCertEdDes (cand), MEd (cand), MPhil, DPhil (Oxford)

Andrew became Assistant Dean of Bible & Theology in 2025. He originally joined the faculty as Lecturer in Christian Thought in 2024 and teaches in the fields of systematic theology, Christian ethics, and apologetics.

He completed both a master's and doctorate at Oxford University, where he was a tutor in theology and a Junior Research Associate of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, before serving as Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Church History at Malyon Theological College in Brisbane (2013–2023).

Prior to this, he was both an associate pastor at North-East Baptist Church (Brisbane) and a social worker (2005–2008). He has also served as an elder in numerous Baptist churches.

His research interests include Protestant orthodoxy, modern theology, epistemology, the doctrine of God, theological anthropology, Karl Barth, and theological aesthetics.

Recent Publications:

Karl Barth’s Analogy of Beauty: Its Basis and Implications for Theological Aesthetics. Barth Studies Series, edited by G. Hunsinger, K. Johnson and H. Reichel. Abingdon: Routledge (2022).

‘Karl Barth’s Concept of Beauty in the Context of Glory: A Challenge to the Balthasarian Reading’, in A. Bodrov and M. Tolstoluzhenko (eds), The Theology of Beauty (Moscow: St Andrews Press, 2013), 148-157.

Andrew Wilkinson
Casual Maintenance Assistant

Andrew McCafferty
Member of Morling College Board

Andrew is a leader and educator, having worked in Christian organisations, including Scripture Union, the Global Leadership Network, Malyon College and with Queensland Baptists (QB), for the past 30 years.  His current role is the Training Coordinator for QB, where he supports and facilitates the training for leaders and ministry practitioners in QB churches and agencies.

Angelo Gratsounas
Chair of Morling College Board

Angelo has served as the senior pastor of Narwee Baptist Church for almost 25 years serving a growing multi staff church ministering to close to 1000 people.

Angelo rejoined the Morling College Board in 2022 after a mandatory year break from service after three terms. Angelo also serves on the board of Christian Growth Ministries and the Narwee Area School Scripture Board he was also a previous Chair of the Peakhurst Area School Scripture Board.

Anne Klose
Lecturer in Spiritual Formation and Baptist Studies

B.A. (Hons Psych), MTh, Grad Cert Pastoral Supervision, PhD (Practical Theology)

Anne came to faith at an SU high school camp. She studied psychology at UQ and practised as a counselling psychologist for 15 years, before becoming involved in supporting theological college students in their formation. Anne then undertook her own theological studies in an ecumenical context which led to her PhD studies at UQ in Baptist ecclesiology.

Anne remains passionate about these two areas – formation and all things Baptist and loves that she gets to share this passion through her work at Morling.

She and husband Peter attend Gateway Baptist Church and have two married sons and four grandchildren.

Anthony Petterson
Lecturer in Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew

BSc, BD (Hons), BMin, PhD

Anthony Petterson joined the faculty at Morling College in 2006 as a Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. Anthony teaches Old Testament Foundations, Old Testament Prophets and Writings, and various Old Testament exegesis subjects. He is currently writing a commentary on the first six minor prophets. He is the course advisor for MDiv, MMin, GradDipDiv, GradCert students.

Anthony was pastor of Hornsby Heights Baptist Church from 1999-2002, and associate pastor of Grosvenor Road Baptist Church in Dublin, Ireland, from 2002-2006. During his time in Ireland, he also completed a PhD through Queen’s University Belfast.

Recent Publications:

His publications include Behold Your King: The Hope for the House of David in the Book of Zechariah (LHBOTS), a commentary on Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi (Apollos), study notes on Haggai and Zechariah for the NIV (Zondervan) Study Bible edited by Don Carson, and study notes on the Twelve Minor Prophets in the Grace and Truth Study Bible edited by Albert Mohler. His ongoing research interest is in the Book of the Twelve Prophets.

Other publications:

Anthony Mak
E-Learning Developer


Anthony started at Morling in December 2020. He has over 10 years of e-learning development experience. Anthony's role is to design and develop online learning resources and Moodle-based e-learning activities. He also work along with the Morling Online team to design and implement educational scaffolding strategies and create authentic learning experiences.

Beatrice Lim
Residential Assistant

Trixie Lim is a Resident Assistant at Morling Residential College and a student at Macquarie University.

As an RA, Trixie ensures that fellow residents are welcomed and supported. She enjoys baking, going out with her friends, participating in seminars, and attending church during her free time.

Ben Maskey
Casual Maintenance Assistant

Benedict Teo
HR Officer

DipBM (Specialisation: International Business & Human Resource Management), BCom (Major: Management & Human Resource Management), MHR&ER

Benedict's approach to the HR function mirrors his approach to life - "... to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever". He is committed towards adding value to the staff and students at Morling College and desires to create and maintain a workplace where God is glorified and God's people can enjoy the work God has placed them in. 

Beverley Moore
Member of Morling College Board

Dr Beverley Moore is an Academic appointed member; Former Head of the School of Mathematical Sciences, (University of Technology Sydney) and currently Treasurer, Ashfield Baptist Church, NSW.

Ceradwen Cole
MRC Residential Assistant

Cherie Macchiusi
Initial Teacher Education Coordinator

Initial Teacher Education Coordinator (WA)

Grad Dip Div, Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Teaching (Prim)

Cherie is the Initial Teacher Education Coordinator in Perth for the Faculty of Education at Morling College. Cherie has worked for many years as a Primary Teacher, primarily in Christian schools. She was Principal of what is now Fremantle Christian College. She has worked in the area of Initial Teacher Education for some years for both Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University - teaching Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS), Maths and Science.

In addition to primary teaching, Cherie has worked in the areas of Events Management, Promotion, and training in Leadership, Relationships and Parenting.

She is married to Carlo and has two adult children who both live in Perth.

Cherie Hounslow
Future Student Officer

BDesSt, DipChrStud

Cherie's deep love for people sees her providing administrative support as a Future Student Officer at Morling. Studying a Master of Ministry, Cherie is passionate about serving God in all ways, including enquiries and paperwork.

Chris Thomson
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

BA Hons (Middx), MA (Oxon), MPhil PhD (Cantab), PgCert (Edin), FHEA

Chris teaches Greek B and is an Honorary Research Associate at Morling. His current research focus is sin and righteousness in the Hebrew Bible. He has previously worked in accountancy and church ministry and taught biblical studies and languages at Oak Hill College, Cambridge University, Edinburgh University, and Moore College.


“What is Aspect? Competing Definitions in General Linguistics and New Testament Studies,”
in The Greek Verb Revisited: A Fresh Approach for Biblical Exegesis (ed. Steven E. Runge and Christopher J. Fresch; Bellingham, Wash.: Lexham Press, 2016), 13–80

“The ‘Seven Eyes’ of Zech 3:9 and the Meaning of the Dual Form,” Vetus Testamentum 62 (2012):

Christine Mao
Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Lecturer

BA/BSW, MDiv, Grad Cert. Pastoral Supervision

Christine joined Morling College as a Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Lecturer in 2023. She worked at the Prince of Wales hospital for 17 years. Currently she works part-time as a mental health chaplain at the Concord Centre for Mental Health.

Additionally, Christine works as a pastoral supervisor, valuing the opportunity to offer a space to reflect for those involved in Christian ministry.

Christine has experience serving full time with her husband in the local church context for over a decade. Additionally, Christine has worked as a Personnel Manager with Interserve Australia offering member care to overseas ministry workers. As an Australian-born Chinese, Christine has a keen awareness of the cultural dynamics and nuances in ministry, systems and individuals.

Christine initially trained as a Social Worker and worked at the Royal Prince Alfred hospital for 4 years prior to completing an MDiv at the Sydney and Missionary Bible College.

Courtney Patten
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

AssocDegDramArt; BChrStud; MTS

Courtney has enjoyed a number of years of study in both the acting and theology spaces, and looks forward to continuing her academic pursuits by engaging in PhD research in the coming years. Her hope is to eventually be employed in a more full-time lecturing capacity, to invest more in the major contribution that lecturers play in the formation of each new generation of students. She enjoys the intersection that can be found between theology and performance in the preaching subjects, and finds a lot of satisfaction in being able to offer advice to emerging preachers about avenues for enhancing their communication skills.

Craig Corkill
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

BBus, BMin, DipTh(Miss), currently undertaking a D.Min

Craig is married to Carolyn and they have three adult children. Craig has served for 29 year years as a Baptist pastor in a range of roles including: youth pastor, church planter, Senior Pastor and sending Pastor for two church plants. In addition, he also served in the Australian Army as a Chaplain. He currently teaches at Morling in the area of Christian Leadership & Management.

Craig currently serves as Associate Director / Discipleship & Leadership Development and is also a member of the Commission For Transformational Leadership with the Baptist World Alliance.

Daniel Carloni
Casual IT Assistant

David Cohen
Director of Research | Lecturer in Hebrew, Bible and Language

DipT., BEd., BD (Hons), GradDipTh, MA(Th), PhD

David was the Head of the Department of Biblical Studies on the Vose campus from 2004 as well as lecturer in Hebrew Bible and language. At the beginning of 2022, David was appointed Director of Research, which he has taken on in addition to his lecturing. 

David is also the Head of Bible and Languages for the Australian College of Theology which offers him the opportunity to see what is happening in this area of teaching across the consortium.

Recent Publications:

‘Getting to the Heart of the Matter – A Lamentable Situation’ in Michael Parsons (ed.), Text and Task: Scripture and Mission (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2005) 50-63.

‘A Prophet in Motion’ in David J Cohen and Michael Parsons (eds.) On Eagles’ Wings (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2008).

‘Praying the Lament Psalms’ in J. Harold Ellens (ed.), Healing Power of Spirituality and Religion (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2009).

‘Journey to the center of the heart: Psalm 19 as transformance in David J Cohen and Michael Parsons (eds.), In Praise of worship: Text and practice (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2009).

Beyond 400: Exploring Baptist Futures, David J Cohen and Michael Parsons (eds.) (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2010).

“Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law: Psalm 24, the Environment and Human Responsibility.” Torch Trinity Journal 14, no. 1 (May 2011): 23-37.

Why O Lord? Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Press, 2013.

“Biblical Studies— Whence and Where?” in Nathan Hobby, John Olley and Michael O’Neil (eds.), Vose Seminary at Fifty, pp. 161-174 (Preston, Victoria: Mosaic Press, 2013).

“At the Edge of the Precipice: Psalm 89 as Liturgical Memory.” Paradosis 2 (2015): 127–144.

Praying Lament Psalms: The Psychodynamics of Distress. Paternoster biblical monographs. Bletchley, Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2016.

“An Encounter with Midbar as Liminal Space and the Enigma of Mosaic Leadership.” In Essays on Moses from Buenos Aires: Moses in Three Traditions and in Literature, edited by John Tracy Greene, 133–150. 1st Unabridged edition. S.l.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

“Why O Lord? Lament as a window to the human experience of suffering” in Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament, G. G. Harper and K. Barker (eds.), 176-192. ACT Monograph Series, Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2017.

“Using the Psalms in Ministry,” Crucible: Theology and Ministry 8.2, November (2017).

Co-authored with Erin Martine Sessions “Psalms are the Manna of the Church: Preaching the Psalter to Australians”, Ian Hussey (ed.), 103-124. Sydney: Morling Press, 2019.

———. “The Goldilocks Planet: When it’s just not right.” In Beyond Four Walls: An exploration of being church, edited by Michael D. O’Neil and Peter Elliott 176-192. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock 2020.

Forthcoming publications:

———. “Discovering Jesus in the Psalms: Early Christian reception of the Psalms as messianic texts.” In Afterlives: Jesus in Global Perspectives, edited by Gregory C. Jenks. Westar Studies Series, Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2021.

David Sullivan
Dean of Residents

David held numerous leadership positions in the Charitable and Community sectors over the past 25 years, and prior to that, worked as a commercial radio producer. His specialisation is Communications with a focus on Community Relations, Marketing and Fundraising.

In recent years, after concluding as CEO of Coeliac Australia, David commenced studies in theology at Morling College. This time of career transition led him into a role as Residential Manager at MRC and then to his current role as Interim Dean of Residents.

David believes in collaborative and enabling leadership and the importance of encouraging and nurturing the interests, strengths and gifts of residents and team members alike.

“I love the cultural and social diversity of the MRC community and I think my work and life experience can add value and enable me to invest in a meaningful way in the lives of the extraordinary young people in our vibrant community.”

David Nockles
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)


Dr David Nockles is only the third Headmaster of Macarthur Anglican School in its 40 years history. He took up the position in January 2009 following seven years as Deputy Headmaster of the School.

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa he migrated to Australia with his family at the age of fourteen. He attended Trinity Grammar School and then Sydney University, studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in History and Geography and a Diploma in Education.

Dr Nockles holds a Master of Education degree with First Class Honours for his dissertation on research examining ‘Parent Perceptions of Effective Schooling’. His interest in Effecting School and Improving Schools continued as he achieved a Doctorate in Education, with a thesis on ‘Student Perception of Effective Schooling’. Dr Nockles has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences.

He began his teaching career at Broughton Anglican College, before becoming Head of Geography at Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill where he also held the positions of Housemaster and Master-in-Charge of Soccer Football. Dr Nockles was also a Major in the Australian Army Cadet Corps, holding posts as Second in Command of the 450 strong Cadet Unit at Trinity and then some time as Chief Instructor for various Officer of Cadet courses.

As a contributor to the broader educational community, Dr Nockles has been Chair of both the New Anglican Schools Sports Association and the Association of Independent Co-educational Schools. He also serves on the Association of Heads of Independent Schools Australian (NSW Branch) Academic Committee and is the current Treasurer and Secretary. He is a member of the Independence Schools National Partnership Management Council, a body of the Association of Independent Schools, overseeing the new Federal Government funding distribution set up under the COAG National Partnership scheme, as well as a member of Independent Schools Teacher Accreditation Authority Council. Dr Nockles is a member of the Australia College of Educators and a member of the Australian Council for Education Leaders. He is also on the board of the federated Anglican Schools Australia.

Dr Nockles has been a member of the Sydney Diocese Synod for twenty one years and has been a member of the Standing Committee for eleven years.

David Godfrey
Bible and Theology Administrator

BMin, AdvDipTh, MAMin

David joined the Morling team in 2024 with over 27 years of pastoral ministry experience. He has served in leadership roles in both a charity and education organisation, as well as various denominational committees. David has a passion for education and enjoys playing a part in equipping the next generation for ministry. He is currently engaged in further studies in Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Sydney University where has also is involved in mentoring of incoming students.

David Evans
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

BMin, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert RE, MTh, PhD

David joined the Morling faculty in 2024 as an Adjunct Tutor in the Bible and Theology Department, with a focus in New Testament.

His PhD (2020, Macquarie) examined Christianity in Athens in the first two centuries CE, and his publications reflect this interest in the New Testament and the earliest centuries of the Church. Recent publications include “Κολληθέντες in Acts 17:34 and the Establishment of the Athenian Church” (NTS, 2022), and a forthcoming chapter on diverse movements in second-century Christianity.

David has served in a range of ministry contexts, including pastoral ministry, Christian secondary education, and theological education. He and his family are members of Rosalie Baptist Church in Brisbane.

David Pettett
Adjunct Marker (CCSC)

ThL, ThSchol, MA (Pastoral Care & Counselling), GradCertProfSup, PhD

David Pettett is an Anglican minister. He has ministered in inner city, suburban and NSW South Coast parishes and has served with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, church planting in Japan.

He has been a Chaplain in the Royal Australian Navy, in hospitals and in prisons, and has managed prison and hospital chaplaincy in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

David demonstrates his continuing passion for pastoral care of clergy and people, having taught pastoral care at Moore Theological College and at Morling College in Sydney, by moderating pastoral and parish focused courses for the Australian College of Theology and by giving Pastoral Supervision to clergy and other church workers. David is now Head of Biblical Studies at Bishop Patteson Theological College in the Solomon Islands.



Pastoral Care the Core of Christian Ministry. Sydney. Ark House. 2023.

Samuel Marsden – Preacher, Pastor, Magistrate and Missionary. Sydney. Bolt Publishing. 2016.

“Samuel Marsden’s Strategy for Mission” in Peter G. Bolt & David B. Pettett, (Eds.) Launching Marsden's Mission; the Beginnings of the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand, Viewed from New South Wales. London. Latimer Press. 2014. 79 – 88.

Book Chapters

“Marsden’s Supportive Circle. Friendship in Controversy.” in Peter G Bolt & Malcolm Falloon (eds.), Freedom to Libel? Samuel Marsden v Philo Free: Australia’s first libel case. Sydney: Bolt Publishing, 2017. 218 – 228.

“Samuel Marsden in the Hands of Australasian Historians” in Peter G Bolt & Malcolm Falloon (eds.), Freedom to Libel? Samuel Marsden v Philo Free: Australia’s first libel case. Sydney: Bolt Publishing, 2017. 36 – 46.

“Charles Simeon's influence on Samuel Marsden's Chaplaincy in New South Wales” in Edward Loane (ed.), From Cambridge to Colony: Charles Simeon's Enduring Influence on Christianity in Australia. London: The Latimer Trust, 2016. 25 – 38.

“Samuel Marsden – Christmas Day 1814. What did he say? The Content of New Zealand’s first Christian Sermon” in Stuart Lange, Allan Davidson, Peter Lineham, Adrienne Puckey, eds. Te Rongopai 1814 'Takoto Te Pai!' Bicentenary Reflections on Christian Beginnings and Developments in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland. General Synod Office, 'Tuia', of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia, 2014. 72-85.


“The Sermons of Samuel Marsden: Evangelical preaching in early colonial Australia” in Michael Gladwin. (Ed.) Preaching and sermons in Australian history since 1788. St Mark’s Review. No. 230, December 2014 (4). 40 – 50.

Duncan Phillips
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Ed Actub
Casual IT Assistant | Library Casual (NSW)

Elizabeth Hutchison
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)

PhD (Education) Candidate, Master of Education (Leadership), Bachelor of Education (Physical Education)

Elizabeth has been a teacher and leader in Christian education since 1990. Her diverse experiences include teaching several key learning areas, and a wide range of ages including Preschool PE, Primary French, Secondary English, and adult professional learning. As well as having experiences teaching in three K-12 schools in NSW and Queensland, Elizabeth taught at an outdoor education camp, on a missionary ship, in a French senior high school, and in an International Christian School in Hong Kong. She values Christian education, teaching and learning, mentoring, and curriculum development. Elizabeth enjoys fine-tuning systems, and supporting others to see individuals and groups grow.

Elizabeth received a bachelor of education in Physical Education and Health degree from University of Newcastle, NSW; she earned a master’s in educational leadership, through Morling College; and she is at the tail end of her PhD, which she is studying through the University of Newcastle. Her research topic looks at the leadership landscape relating to women in Christian Schools globally. Her leadership experiences include being a Stage Coordinator, House Mistress, Administrative Coordinator, Educational Coach, General Executive Member, Academic Dean, and Dean of Curriculum and Instruction.

Elizabeth Webb
Gilbert Wright Library Technician (NSW)

Emmaus Evening School Diploma (1980, 1982); Library Technician Certificate (1980/81); Bachelor of Theology (SCD) (2007-2015)

Elizabeth started working in libraries straight out of school with stints at the NSW State Conservatorium of Music Library, Sydney Technical College Library, Sydney College of the Arts Information Resource Centre, Macquarie University Library, and Emmaus Bible College.

Elizabeth came to faith as a child but grew through experiences and exposure to the Word of God and Christian fellowship. She was baptised in 1974 and attended various Baptist and Brethren assemblies in New Zealand (where she grew up) and Australia. She currently worships at Riverstone where she has been since 2003.

Elizabeth is a mum of 5 and a grandmother of 2. She lives with her dog, cat and three chooks in Rouse Hill. Her hobbies include reading, gardening, sewing, knitting and crochet.

Ella Broadbent
Library Casual (WA)

Library Casual (WA)

Completing Bachelor of Arts (English Literature)

Ella started at Morling in 2022 as part of the Library team that supports the Heather and Noel Vose Library in Perth. She is also working as a pharmacy assistant while continuing to study. She loves reading, going out for great food and walking at the beach.

Emma Wylde
Counselling Lecturer

Master of Counselling Practice, Bachelor of Social Science in Counselling, TRE® Provider.

Emma is new to Morling College as an adjunct lecturer in 2023. With a background in education and the arts Emma has facilitated learning in a wide range of subject areas, working to create safe, creative spaces for reflection and growth. As a passionate people-helper, pivoting to study and work in counselling has been a seamless, joy-filled transition.

After pastoral care and counselling in the aged care sector, she now operates a growing private practice working with individuals, couples, families, and adolescents. Emma is a member of the ACA and is registered as a Provider with TRE Australia (Tension/Trauma Release Exercises).

Erin Crause
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

MDiv, BA (Hons)

Erin first joined Morling (then Vose Seminary) in 2018 as a student in Bible and Theology and has stuck around ever since, both as an Adjunct Lecturer and more recently as a PhD candidate (commencing). She previously studied Medieval and Early Modern studies, History, and Linguistics at UWA.

She currently teaches in the areas of Biblical Studies, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, and Hebrew language. Erin loves everything to do with theology, language, and history, but her particular research interest is in the historical interpretation and reception of the Bible. When not busy reading, she enjoys cooking and spending time with her husband.

Erwin Tampubolon
Director of IT


Erwin joined the Morling team in 2019 as Senior SysAdmin and in 2024 took on the role of National IT Manager.  Since high school, IT has been an integral part of his life, with over 15 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector.

His diverse skill set includes support, networking, IT security, systems administration, training & mentoring, procurement, and asset management, among others. Erwin consistently excels in simplifying and seamlessly integrating technology for various stakeholders.

Outside of work, Erwin enjoys exploring new places, especially regional areas and local culinary spots, with his family. He is also involved and served in multiple ministries at his church as usher/greeter, publishing, documentation/photographer, committee of management and (not to forget), IT!

Eva Groves
Venue & Events Coordinator

Bachelor Archaeology

Eva oversees the organisation of all events in and around Morling College, helping facilitate the knowledge in the building being shared with the community around us. Eva joined us at the beginning of 2021 and is currently working on a Master's in Christian Studies.

Fiona Watters-Galea
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Gabriela Sugandi
Casual Video Editor

Gabi is a full-time student at Morling College, currently taking a master's degree in Counselling. Being creative comes naturally to her, so she is thrilled to also a part of the Morling Online team, involved in video production and editing.

Gigi Lee
Accounts Assistant

CPA; Master of Commerce (Accounting); Bacholer of Education (Guangzhou)

Gigi is delighted to work in a Christian organisation like Morling which aligns well with her personal values and allows her to live out her faith in the workplace. Gigi was baptised in a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in 2005 and is currently attending St George's Hurstville Anglican Church.

Gordon Menzies
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)

MEc ANU, DPhil Oxford, MTh Morling 

Gordon joined Morling in 2023 as a student and lecturer. He is a member of Bridge Church, Macquarie park, and a Visiting Scholar at Robert Menzies College. In his spare time he has dabbled in singing, acting and drama. He is also a keen tennis player. 

Recent Publications:

Last Three Years

Menzies, G. and D. Vines (2023), Creating a new Sovereign Debt Reconstruction Mechanism: why incentives, risk sharing, and CACS will all matter, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, forthcoming.

Henckel, T., Menzies, G., Moffatt, P., Zizzo, D., (2022), Belief Adjustment: A Double Hurdle Model and Experimental Evidence, Experimental Economics, 25, 26–67.


Henckel, T., Menzies, G., Moffatt, P. and D. Zizzo (2019), Three Dimensions of Central Bank Credibility and Inferential Expectations: The Euro Zone, Journal of Macroeconomics, 60 (June), 294-308 

Cohen, S., Henckel, T., Menzies, G., Muhle-Karbe, J. and D. Zizzo, (2019), Switching Cost Models as Hypothesis Tests, Economics Letters, 175 (Feb.), 32-35.

Menzies, G., Hay, D., Simpson, T. and D. Vines, (2019), Restoring Trust in Finance: From Principal Agent to Principled Agent, Economic Record, 95(311), December, 497-509.

Edwards, M., Brown, P., Benn, S., Bajada, C., Perey, R., Cotton, D., Jarvis, W., Menzies, G., McGregor, I., and K. Waite, (2019), Developing sustainability learning in business school curricula – productive boundary objects and participatory processes, Environmental Education Research.

Menzies, G., Dixon, P., & Rimmer, M. (2016).  In Praise of (Some) Red Tape: A New Approach to Regulation.   Economic Record, 92 (299), 631 - 647.  

Menzies, G. D., Xiao, X., Dixon, P., Peng, L., & Rimmer, M. (2016).  Rural led exchange rate appreciation in China.   China Economic Review.  39, 15-30 

Menzies, G., (2016), Tax, safety nets and welfare waste, St Marks Review, 235 May, 66-78. [Weight: 0]

Menzies, G. D. (2015).  Stop the Boats: Do the Ends Justify the Means?   Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, 34 (4), 229-242, doi: 10.1111/1759-3441.12113.  

Lyons, B., Menzies, G. D., & Zizzo, D. J. (2012).  Conflicting evidence and decisions by agency professionals: an experimental test in the context of merger regulation.   Theory and Decision

Menzies, G. D. & Zizzo, D. J. (2012).  Monetary Policy and Inferential Expectations of Exchange Rates.   Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money

Menzies, G. D. & Hay, D. (2012).  Self and Neighbours.   The Economic Record.  

Menzies, G. D., Bird, R., Dixon, P., & Rimmer, M. (2011).  Asset Price Regulators Unite: You Have the Macroeconomy to Win and the Microeconomic Losses are Small.   The Economic Record, 33 (4), 552-567.  

Henckel, T., Menzies, G., Prokhovnik, N., & Zizzo, D. J. (2011).  Barro-Gordon Revisited: Reputational Equilibria with Inferential Expectations.   Economics Letters, 112 (2), 144-147.  

Bird, R., Dixon, P., Menzies, G. D., & Rimmer, M. (2011).  The Economic Costs of US Stock Mispricing.  Journal of Policy Modelling, 33 (4), 552-567.  

Menzies, G. D. & Zizzo, D. (2009).  Inferential Expectations.   The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Macroeconomics, 9 (1), 1-25.  

Menzies, G. D. (2009).  Emotion and Empathy as Pedagogical Tools: Instructive Activities in Teaching International and Developmental Economics.   Australasian Journal of Economics Education, 6 (1), 38-51.  

Bush, S., Menzies, G., & Thorp, S. (2009).  An Array of Online Teaching Tools.   Teaching Statistics, 31 (1), 17-20.  

Menzies, G. D. & Hay, D. (2008).  Economics and the Marriage Wars.   Faith and economics, 51 (Spring), 1-29.  

Menzies, G. D. (2008).  Teaching Hypothesis Testing: What is doubted, what is tested?  Australasian Journal of Economics Education, 5 (3-4)

Menzies, G. D. (2008).  Can HIPC's use Hyper-incentive Contracts?   Review of Applied Economics, 4 (1-2), 113-124. 

Menzies, G. D. & Vines, D. (2008).  The Transfer Problem and Real Exchange Rate Overshooting in Financial Crises: The Role of the Debt Servicing Multiplier.   Review of International Economics, 16 (4), 709-727.  

Menzies, G. D. (2007).  Debt and Aid: War and Peace: Policy tradeoffs in Conflict-affected Countries.  Review of Applied Economics, 2 (2), 169-179.  

Dvornak, N., Kohler, M., & Menzies, G. D. (2005).  Australia's Medium-Run Exchange Rate: A Macroeconomic Balance Approach.   The Economic Record, 81 (253), 101-112.  

Menzies, G. D. (2005).  Who's Afraid of the Marshall-Lerner Condition?  Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, 24 (4), 309-315. 

Menzies, G. D. (2004).  First-best debt relief.   Economics Letters, 82 (3), 301-306. 

Menzies, G. D. (2004).  Money to burn, or melt? a cost-benefit analysis of Australian polymer banknotes.  The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 15, 355-368.  

Menzies, G. D. (2000).  The Economics and Ethics of International Debt Relief.   Journal of the Association of Christian Economists (UK), 27 (2), 151-170. 

Menzies, G. D. (1999).  Alice in Academia.   Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, 18 (2), 95.  

Menzies, G. D. & Whitelaw, R. (1998).  the Influence of Supply Shocks on Australian Inflation.   Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 27 (2), 151-170. 

Tarditi, A. & Menzies, G. D. (1995).  Monthly movements in the Austrlaian Dollar and Real Short-term Interest Differentials: an Application of the Kalman Filter.  Journal of Foreign Exchange and International Finance, 8 (4), 396-417.

Gruen, D. & Menzies, G. D. (1995).  Forward Discount Bias: Is it Near-rationality in the Foreign Exchange Market?   The Economic Record, 71 (213), 157-166.  

Menzies, G. D. (1995).  Can Altruism Aid the Jobs Compact?   Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, 14 (2), 11-17.  

Menzies, G. D. (1994).  Explaining the Timing of Australia's Manufactured Export Boom.   The Australian Economic Review, 27 (4), 72-87. 

Menzies, G. D. (1994).  A Comment on Recent Surveys of Australian Exporters.   Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy, 13 (1), 122-124. 

Edey, M., Kerrison, E., & Menzies, G. D. (1987).  Transmission of External Shocks in the RBII Model.   Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Papers (8710).  

Graeme Dunkley
Lecturer in Missions

Lecturer in Missions

Cert IV TAA, B.Eng. B.Th. MA Min

Graeme joined us in 2020 to lecture in Mission. He was Associate Pastor at Nowra Baptist before serving in ministry for a number of years in the Middle East. Graeme has also pastored other churches and worked in other roles in Mission agencies.

Graeme Chatfield
Member of Morling College Board

Graeme has pastored churches in NSW, lectured Church History and Baptist Distinctives at Morling College, and Historical Theology internationally with TCMI in Europe and Eastern Europe. Currently, he is a member at Thornleigh Community Baptist Church and assists training pastors in Africa and writing for the BWA Heritage and Identity Commission.

Hannah Moore
Receptionist and Office Administrator (WA)

DipFashion, DipBus

Hannah joined the team at Vose Campus in early 2019 and brings serious administration skills and a warm presence to the front desk. Hannah is the welcoming face of Morling Perth and contributes to marketing, website design, event planning and general administration.

Helen Blanch
Member of Morling College Board

Helen Blanch currently serves as the Senior Consultant for The Excellence Centre (the Professional Learning Ministry of Pacific Hills Christian School, Sydney) and the Director of Education and Leadership for New Hope International. She is an elder at Riverstone Baptist church, Sydney.

Helen’s calling is to equip Christian teachers to be effective teachers and leaders in the context of Christ-centred learning communities both in Australia and developing countries. She is passionate about inspiring and equipping teachers to be deeply immersed in the Biblical story so they may embrace and practice a Gospel-shaped education that meaningfully engages with young people in their cultural context and reaches out into their communities. In her roles, she authors materials and articles and train teachers and leaders in Christian Education both in the context of leadership and the educational task.

Iain Skinner
Quality and Compliance Advisor

Quality and Compliance Advisor

PhD, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

Iain came out of retirement to join the Morling team in 2022 and works to formalise institutional policies and practices. He previously spent decades in academic administration at UNSW where he also taught professional ethics to engineering students, although his actual expertise is with optical fibres, lasers (e.g. NBN) etc.

Ian Hussey
Assoc Dean of Bible & Theology (Qld) | Assoc Director of Research

BSc., Dip. Ed., BTh (Hons), Grad. Theol., MMgt, MTh, PhD.

Ian was a Baptist pastor in Brisbane for 17 years before becoming a lecturer at the Queensland Baptist College from 2011 to 2024. He joined the team at Morling in 2025 as Associate Dean (Brisbane) and Associate Director of Research teaching in the areas of Research Methods and Ministry and Practice. Ian is a Practical Theologian researching and publishing in areas like homiletics, church life and pastoral leadership. He is also the Regional Minister for the Metro Central region of Queensland Baptist churches.

Jacqueline Azize
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Adjunct Lecturer

Master of Clinical Counselling, Grad Dip Counselling, Grad Dip Religious Education, Bachelor of Education (Primary).

My original training is in primary education and I have taught in various Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) for more than 16 years. My passion is working with children and adolescence, especially those who present with mental health issues. In 2010, I began my counselling journey and have worked as a school counsellor since 2013.

I am currently working at LaSalle Catholic College in Bankstown as the College Counsellor. Over the years I have trained in Creative Therapies such as Sandplay and Art Therapy and continue to incorporate these therapies into the counselling work I do at LaSalle.

My Christian faith and the values Morling College espouses underpin the work that I do as a College Counsellor. Working with young people who present with varying mental health issues and helping them to become self-aware regarding their own “personal, spiritual and social identity” is a humbling and rewarding experience.

James Dean
Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

Adjunct Lecturer in Counselling

Master of Counselling, Master of Business (Personal Injury), Paramedic

James has worked in health services for more than 30 years with a desire to help others to help themselves. As an Exercise Physiologist and Paramedic, he worked (mostly) on the physical side of people’s health. In moving to the role of Counsellor his focus shifted to the mind of his clients and so he feels that he has a good handle on supporting the ‘whole, integrated person’. James has worked as a Counsellor in a number of settings, and he now enjoys his private practice work - specialising in trauma informed psychotherapy and couples therapy.

James has been married for 30+ years and both he and his wife are actively involved in marriage ministry in their church. Their 3 adult children are all married and last year they welcomed their first grandchild. James loves giggles and cuddles with their newest family member!

His interests include classic motorcycles, scuba diving, and the Sydney Swans. He is also a bit of a geek as he has been building/fixing computers since he was 11 and he loves playing board games.

James enjoys lecturing in Legal, Ethical and Cultural Factors in Professional Practice and he is a tutor in Therapeutic Communication Skills.

Serving at Morling College gives James the opportunity to immerse himself in the things that he loves about this life – God, faith, people, teaching & learning. He especially loves being present in that moment when someone ‘gets it’ and they just know that counselling is where they belong.

James Kim
Member of Morling College Board

James is an Accredited Baptist Minister and is presently the lead pastor of HOME Church. James has been serving on the Morling College Finance Sub-Committee since July 2021. James also works co-vocationally in one of the world’s largest financial institutions.

Jane Stergio
Accounts Officer

BSc, AdvDipBusAnalysis

Jane's role is to assist in keeping the financial accounts in good order, which she has been doing at Morling since 2019.

Janine van der Kooy
Heather & Noel Vose Library Technician (WA)

BApplSc (Interior Design), MInfoMan

Janine commenced as a Library Technician at the Vose Campus Library in 2023, after a hiatus of 20 years from library work to look after her family. She has 6 years of experience as a librarian in public and special libraries, primarily in government and health settings in WA and the UK.

Jenny Perchman
Counselling Lecturer

Lecturer (Counselling)

M.Couns, Grad Dip Couns, Grad Dip Spl Ed & Psy Ed, H/Dip Ed, BA (English History)

Jenny commenced at Morling College in 2018 lecturing in the Master of Counselling course in the areas of Interpersonal Counselling and Relationship & Family Counselling. This position enables Jenny to combine her training and expertise as an educator with her passion and expertise in counselling.

Jenny is a clinical counsellor, supervisor, and educator. Having originally trained as a high school English and History teacher, she has worked in secondary and tertiary educational settings. Jenny has also worked for several years with Salvos Counselling as a counsellor and trainer developing a broad range of expertise in working with a variety of client groups and mental health presentations. Jenny specialises  in providing couple and family therapy and is currently undertaking further training in this area. She maintains a busy private practice at the EZRA Counselling Centre where she also provides clinical and pastoral supervision

How do you see the Morling values reflected in your role at Morling?

Jenny is thankful for the way in which Morling gives her the opportunity to assist students to become reflective, relational, and ethical practitioners who can integrate both their faith and professional practise.

Jenny Collins
Receptionist and Admin Assistant (WA)

BSc (OT)

Jenny commenced at Morling in late 2023. Prior to this she spent time raising her family and working in the health industry.

Jess Eversen
Quality and Compliance Officer

Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies); Bachelor of Legal Studies

Jess has worked numerous contracts for Morling College/Vose/BTC in varying administrative capacities since 2007, including within the Quality, Policy and Compliance and Human Resources teams. Jess and her family served five years with an anti-sex trafficking organisation in the Philippines, before recently resettling in Perth. She is detail orientated and administratively gifted, is passionate about contributing to healthy and sustainable structures that support people to thrive, and desires to put her skills and gifts into Kingdom work.

Jesse Townsend
Facilities and Maintenance Assistant

Certificate III in Carpentry

Jesse is part of the maintenance team at Morling College. He is a carpenter, personal trainer, and massage therapist by trade, and attends Grace City Church in Waterloo. I'm a father of two, and I like board games and exercise.

Jessie Kim
Video Editor

Video Editor

Jill Marland
Casual Receptionist & Admin Assistant (NSW)

BTh, Diploma of Divinity and Mission, Advanced Certificate in Personnel Management

Jill is currently studying a Masters of Counselling and loves helping people understand themselves better and how God is working in their life.

Jill Walker
Librarian, Malyon Library (QLD)

B.Sc. (Hons) (Geography), GradDipLibInfoStud

Jill joined the Library Team at Morling in 2025 after serving as the librarian at Malyon Theological College from 2007. She is passionate about assisting all researchers locate even the rarest resources. When not in the library, she enjoys the outdoors, especially bushwalking.

Jillian MacLachlan
Library Casual (WA)

Library Casual (WA)

Chartered Accountant, Masters in Ministry

Jillian works in the Heather & Noel Vose Library in Perth. She does general duties, such as shelving, covering books etc., and also helps with student enquires.

Jo Leutton
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

Jo is a passionate pastor and teacher dedicated to equipping the church to embrace its mission. With a love for theology, leadership, and practical ministry, he serves as Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Riverlife Baptist Church in Brisbane, Australia, where he has been since 2007. After earning an MDiv in 2019, Jo began a PhD in Practical Theology in 2024, focusing on discipleship and spiritual formation in local churches. He is also completing a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, reflecting his commitment to developing skilled practitioners and thought leaders. Jo's pastoral experience shapes his teaching, emphasising biblical interpretation, theological reflection, and practical application, with a ministry centred on spiritual growth and lives shaped by God’s mission. An engaging communicator and former journalist, Jo is passionate about helping others build a robust, authentic faith that impacts their communities. He is also a husband, father of four, cricket enthusiast, tabletop gamer, musician, and music lover.

Joshua van Tongeren
Director of Marketing and Communications

BMgt(Mark, HR), GradDipArts(ChrisStud), PAMI.

Joshua joined Morling College in 2024 with over 15 years of marketing experience in education, retail, and tech. A professional member of the AMI, he has worked with brands like Think Education and Koorong. Joshua attends a charismatic church in Gosford, NSW, and enjoys hiking and reading.

Joverly Damien
Morling Online Administrator


Joverly is currently pursuing a Master of Creative Industries and Master of Marketing at Macquarie University. Her role as Online Administrator includes managing Moodle and providing student support through the platform.

Judith Wilkinson
Residential Services Officer

Cert4 YWAM Courses (Evangelism, Leadership, Worship, Performing arts & Event management)

With over 20 years experience in Missions Training & Youth Work, working at Morling Residential College (MRC) was a natural fit for Judith. A love for young people, from varying cultural and spiritual beliefs, and a heart to share and shine Christ's love, it is a privilege to serve with the MRC Team.

Julie Marshall
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

B.A. (Ed), M.Couns.

Julie came to Morling in 2020, after lecturing for five years in a Masters of Counselling programme at another Christian college. She teaches Counselling Methodologies and two Trauma units.

Education is one of Julie's passions and she loves the process of learning, both personally, and in the role of educator, where she tries to make learning interesting and exciting! Julie has had a private counselling practice for the past ten years and has worked as a trauma counsellor in Uganda on six different trips there. She enjoys being able to journey, therapeutically with clients, as well as lecture, where she can pass on some of the knowledge and experience she has gained.

Married, with two adult sons, Julie enjoys travelling (when possible), catching up with friends over coffee, and, being a Kiwi, is an avid follower of the All Blacks.

Julie is currently part of a home church, having been a member of larger church congregations with involvement in leading home groups and prayer ministry in the past.

Jesus is the most perfect counsellor and role model for us in the counselling profession, and Morling provides the freedom to weave Christianity and psychology together, throughout the course.

Julie McKay
Clinical Supervisor (Group & Individual)

BSc(Psych)(Hons); GradCertProfSup

Julie is a psychologist who has been practicing since 1993, working in NGO’s, schools, counselling agencies and private practice. Julie works with adults, couples, children, adolescents, and families, across a range of presenting issues, utilising a variety of modalities in an integrative approach. Julie also supervises individuals and groups in both clinical and pastoral settings. She is a registered psychologist with AHPRA and a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Julie joined Morling College in 2023 supervising Masters of Counselling students, and is enjoying becoming part of the process of learning and development of the next generation of counselling professionals as they develop their reflective and ethical practice.

Justine Reyes
Casual IT Assistant


Justine is a Computer Engineering graduate from the Philippines with more than 3 years of BPO experience in Technical and Customer Service and a year of exposure as an IT Support Officer. He is currently taking a VET (Vocational Education and Training) course in Information Technology at Kingsford International Institute and is always keen to maximize his time productively.

Karen La Motte
Adjunct Lecturer

Adjunct Lecturer

Karen La Motte joined the Morling team in 2019 and has been lecturing Human Development from a Theological Perspective in the Counselling and Chaplaincy faculty. Karen studied a degree in counselling at Tabor College and went on to complete a Master’s degree in Counselling at Excelsia College.

Since 1993, Karen has been involved in pastoral ministry, working for several years as the Associate pastor at a community church south of Sydney. During those years Karen lead and was involved in mission trips to Northern Uganda and the establishment of a hospital, and in Jakarta working in a leper colony and with the families that live in shanty’s alongside the railway lines.

Closer to home Karen has lead teams to Western New South Wales to care for and counsel families struggling due to the drought.

Karen has been a therapist for twenty years and is currently in a private practice in Sutherland and is also employed by Hopefield (previously Southern Community Welfare Gymea) as a generalist therapist and relationship counsellor. Karen has been married for forty years to husband Rod and has two adult children and four grandchildren.

How do you see the Morling values reflected in your role at Morling?

I appreciate the opportunity to teach a course at Morling that reminds me and draws me towards a biblical model of relationship, fully and securely related to others and God, which enables us to become more like Christ.

Katherine Lawless
Project Coordinator

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Katherine joined Morling in April 2015. She has worked across a number of roles in this time, and is now part time as Project Coordinator. As Project Coordinator, her role is to assist with researching, maintaining momentum and monitoring timelines of projects.

When she is not at Morling, Katherine is a stay at home mum, caring for her two young children.

Katherine Gambell
Process Group Facilitator

Kathy Foster
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)

DipTeach, BEd, MEd, GradCertDiv

Kathy completed her Master of Education (Special Education) degree at Sydney University in 2003. She has worked for over 30 years in the roles of a General Primary teacher and Support Teacher Learning Assistance in both Primary and High School.
Kathy has also held an executive position in the Special Education area where she worked alongside health professionals. Kathy has worked in both State and Private Schools. Recently she has been a casual teacher at Inaburra and Shire Christian School. Her interest in Special Needs has also lead her into working with students who have ASD. Kathy is keen to attend conferences and workshops which provide quality information regarding students with special needs. Kathy considers that her vast experience in Education provides a realistic approach to supporting students with special needs.

Kathy Sinclair
Member of Morling College Board

Kathy has worked as a Speech Pathologist and has a background in education. She is a qualified teacher and has served on school management teams. She was the Children and Families Pastor for 11 years at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in W.A, later taking on the Missions portfolio.

Kathy worked as the W.A. Church Relationships Manager for Baptist World Aid Australia for several years and is currently a speaker and writer for several Christian organisations.

Keira Ting-Shelley
Gilbert Wright Library Technician (NSW)


Keira Shelley is a library technician at Morling College.

After working with children as a carer and tutor, she undertook and completed a Diploma of Library and Information Services, finishing in 2022. She loves Jesus, reading and history. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts through Deakin University online.

Kerrie McGibbon
Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

Kirsten Long
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

BEd (Prim), Grad Dip Div, MTS (expected completion 2023)

Kirsten has many years of experience in Children and Family Ministry and has served on the Pastoral Team at Wyong Baptist Church for over 9 years. She has contributed to several Children’s Ministry resources and authored two children’s books. In 2024, Kirsten will commence a role as Associate Pastor at Epping Baptist Church.

Kristen Cairns
Director of Online Learning & Engagement

Director of Morling Online

MBA (in progress), Grad Cert Online Learning (Higher Ed), Dip Man, BEd, Cert IV Applied Languages, 

Kristen has been part of the Morling team since 2015, when she joined us to head up the development and implementation of Morling Online - our first fully online learning program. She is passionate about quality teaching, engaged learning, and leveraging the best of technology... and the boundless potential found where these three areas intersect!

She has over 20 years experience in Online Learning Design and Educational Management, and believes that all students can thrive - given the right learning environment and support. She's also our Zoom guru!

She serves on the Leadership and Worship teams at Rockdale Salvos, and loves reading, crochet, travelling and eating out with friends in her free time. 

Len Calhoun
Adjunct Lecturer & Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

BPsych, BSpch Comm, MDiv, D.Min (Candidate).

Len comes to Morling with experience as a pastor, chaplain, and counsellor. He has pastored churches in the USA and Australia and has been a chaplain in both hospital and retirement home settings. He has also been a chaplain and is now a counsellor at a C.A.R.E. school for disengaged youth, many of whom have a variety of mental health concerns. Len thoroughly enjoys conversational engagement over deep and meaningful topics, especially those that connect the Kingdom of God to people’s own personal spiritual growth.

Len lives in the Perth area with his wife, 4 school-age children, and Pippin, their beloved Maltese Shih-Tzu. He loves camping and travelling. One of Len’s favourite sayings is from Irenaeus, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” The language is archaic, but this points to the fact that we each display God’s glory as we engage in those things that bring us life.

Linda Corner
Academic Services Officer

Academic Services Officer

Bachelor of Counselling

Linda aims to ensure the students' experience is as hassle free as possible with grace and patience. Linda previously worked in secondary education and various Christian Conference Centres.

Linlin Yang
Senior Academic Services Officer

Bachelor of Art Literature

Linlin joined the Morling team in January 2013. Her main focus is to assist staff and students in all matters related to enrolment, course requirements and academic data management.

Prior to working at Morling, Linlin worked as a High School Program coordinator in an accredited ELICOS college. She is actively involved in ministry with her husband Frank at Chinese Christian Church Milson’s Point.

Liz Crocombe
Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Administrator

Liz joined Morling College in October 2013, as administrator for the then Counselling Faculty. When in 2018, the Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care degrees were offered, Liz, along with her colleague Shelley, assumed responsibility of administration for the growing faculty and student body. She is involved with assisting people with their course enquiries, course advising and assisting students, as well as providing administrative support for the faculty members.

Liz originally trained in administrative/secretarial support after leaving school, and has worked in administrative roles prior to and after raising a large family. She commenced studying a Bachelor of Christian Studies with Morling in 2013, added counselling studies in 2016, planning to graduate with a B.CS and Master of Counselling at the end of 2021.

How do you see the Morling Values reflected in your role at Morling?

As Morling seeks to equip students with a Christ-focused, transformative, and caring educational experience Liz delights in serving and supporting both faculty in their roles as educators, and students during their time at Morling.

Lloyd Porter
Campus Director (WA) | Associate Dean of Bible & Theology (WA)

PhD candidate, MA Leadership & Theology, DipTh, BAppSc, Diploma of Architectural Drafting

Lloyd joined Vose Seminary in 2013 as the Director of Missions and was also the Academic Dean at Vose for the last two years prior to the merger. Lloyd is now the Campus Director (WA), the Associate Dean of Bible and Theology with Morling and lectures in Mission.

Lloyd served as a missionary in Russia for 15 years and continues to visit Siberia regularly teaching and training in OM Russia's discipleship training school.

Lonni Aylett
Member of Morling College Board

Lonni attends Chatwood Baptist Church where she is involved in a wide range of church ministry. A financial and investment adviser of 18 years, Lonni has strong interpersonal and analytical skills.

Lonni has skills in investment and risk management, critical thinking and has community group board experience. Lonni has been serving on the Morling College Finance Sub-Committee since July 2021.

Lorelei Manaloto
Content Creator


Lorelei creates everything that you see on our socials and keeps students up to date with all things Morling. She is involved in many ministries within her church, specifically worship and the youth ministry, which she is incredibly passionate about. And Lorelei really LOVES PUZZLES :)

Lorenzo Santos
Student Services Officer

MEM (current); BSCE

Lorenzo is a detail-oriented Civil Engineer with a strong background in project management and expertise in Salesforce CRM. He is currently pursuing a Master of Engineering Management at Macquarie University, aiming to blend engineering prowess with management acumen. Lorenzo is dedicated to contributing to academic achievement and enhancing student services. With a commitment to efficiency and a solutions-focused approach, he is poised to make a meaningful impact for our students.

Lyndel Chardon
Education Administration & Support Officer

BEd (Secondary)

Lyndel started working at Morling College in January 2012 for the Faculty of Education. Lyndel assists and serves students from around the world with their studies at Morling College.


Bradley, C., Bradley, K., Dawson-Davis, L. & Harris, N. (1996). Design & Technology. Oxford University Press.

Marc Rader
Lecturer in Bible and Theology

Lecturer in Bible and Theology

Bachelor of Religious Studies (Tyndale), Grad. Dip Arts (History) (Sydney), D.Min (Morling)

Marc was appointed as a part-time faculty member in 2005 and has taught a wide variety of subjects over the last decade. His area of expertise is preaching which was the focus of his doctoral work which he completed in 2013.

Marc is also the senior pastor of Gymea Baptist Church, a large, multi-staff church in Sydney's south where he has been since his arrival from Canada in 1997. 

Recent Publications

"Preaching Wisdom to Australians" in Preaching With An Accent: Biblical genres for Australian congregations, 2019, Ian Hussey (ed.), Morling Press, Sydney

"Looking backward to look forward: Insights from the past for preaching in the future" in Text Messages: Preaching God's Word in a Smartphone World, 2017, John Tucker (ed.), Wipf&Stock, Eugene, OR.

Mary Essa
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

BSc and MCoun

Mary started at Morling as a student in 2016 and then progressed to being a small group tutor with the counselling team in 2021, before becoming an Adjunct Lecturer in the area of Ethics. 

Outside of Morling Mary has a small private practice and also facilitates group therapy at Ramsay Clinic MacArthur. She attends church at Campbelltown Arabic Baptist where she is involved in the leadership of the youth ministry.

In her spare time Mary loves to get into the secret place, spend time with family and watch the odd RomCom.

Matilda Steele-Smith
Receptionist and Admin Assistant (NSW) | EA to the Principal

Matilda is part of our Corporate Admin team. You'll also see her friendly smile at reception at our Sydney Campus!

Matthew Arkapaw
Member of Morling College Board

Matthew Arkapaw is the current Senior Pastor at Mortdale-Oatley Baptist Church and has been a Pastor within the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT since 2003. He has also served on the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT’s Assembly Council..

Matthew Gray
Adjunct Marker (BAT)

BA/BEd (Secondary), MMin, GradDipDiv

Matt has a background in secondary education, having taught English before completing his MMin at Morling in 2021. He is on staff at Georges River Life Church, where he has served as the Chipping Norton Site Pastor since January 2023. He loves golf and cricket, reading, and hanging out with friends and family.

Meg MacCallum
Senior Residential Systems Admin

BA (Honours) and CertIV Youth Work

Meg first started cleaning at MRC and then began her administrative role. Meg works on things from reception duties, accounts, applications, resident experience and setting up our software system and loves making the residents feel at home.

Melissa Razey
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)

Adjunct Lecturer

BEd Primary (Hons), MEd, PhD, DipBibStudies (Hons), PreThCert, HALT, MACE

Melissa has been involved in the Education sector for over 27 years, and enjoys the opportunity to lead and develop teachers, as well as teach in the classroom with her Year 5 class. After completing her PhD in 2003 on Gender Differentiation in Emergent Literacy, Melissa worked to support teachers in the development of inclusive teaching strategies in Primary schools across NSW. As a Highly Accomplished teacher, she has mentored and supported staff through the processes of accreditation with NESA.
Melissa has worked in both State and Private Schools, and currently serves as Assistant Head of Middle School at Pacific Hills Christian School in Dural, New South Wales. She has a heart for overseas mission, service and teacher training. Melissa has supported and trained teachers in Nepal, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Moldova. She loves to stand alongside other educators who are faithfully serving Jesus in teaching children and young adults about God’s grace and goodness.

Michael O'Neil
Dean of Strategic Relationships (WA) | Lecturer in Christian Thought & History


Michael has taught Christian Thought and History at Vose Campus in Perth since 2010. He has particular interests in the theology of Karl Barth, theological ethics, and the doctrine and practice of the Christian life. Michael says, “I love the way reading and studying theology has deepened my faith, broadened my vision, enriched my ministry and changed my life. I hope you find that studying theology brings you into closer proximity to and alignment with Jesus.”

Recent Publications

O’Neil, Michael D. & Peter Elliott (eds.), Beyond Four Walls: An Exploration of Being the Church (Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 2020)

Church as Moral Community: Karl Barth’s Vision of Christian Life, 1915-1922 (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2013)

Hobby, N., Olley, J. & O’Neil, M. (eds.), Vose Seminary At Fifty: From “Preach The Word” to “Come Grow” (Melbourne: Mosaic Press, 2013).

Michael Kok
Lecturer in New Testament

PhD, MA in Religious Studies, BA in Religion and Theology with a Specialisation in Biblical Studies

After serving as an adjunct lecturer and ministry intern in Canada, Michael moved to Perth in 2018 to take up the role of New Testament Lecturer at Vose Seminary. Michael teaches in the area of the New Testament and early Christian history. He supervises research projects, advises undergraduate students in their course pathways, plans student events with the student team, and organises Perth Chapel.

Michael Bullard
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

DMin, MA(Theol), BTh, GradDipMin, CertIV-TAA


Michelle Liu
Director of Library Services

Graduate Certificate Project Management, Graduate Diploma Information Systems, Bachelor of Applied Science: Information and Library Studies (Hons – 2nd Upper)

Michelle has a passion for information literacy and loves working with students. She also enjoys spending her time reading, watching movies, going to the gym, and exploring new cafes / restaurants with her family and friends.

Mike Frost
Director of the Tinsley Institute

Director of the Tinsley Institute

DMin, MA, BTh.

Michael Frost is the Director of the Tinsley Institute, the mission study centre he founded at Morling 20 years ago. Michael teaches such units as Missional Leadership, Evangelism Principles, Preaching II, History of Christian Mission, Church Planting, Cultural Exegesis, and the odd NT unit. Michael was also the Vice Principal at Morling for 12 years. He is an internationally recognised missiologist and one of the leading voices in the missional church movement. He is the author or editor of 20 theological books, some of which are required reading in colleges and seminaries around the world, and he is much sought after as an international conference speaker. He is also an adjunct or visiting professor with several seminaries in the USA.

Michael was one of the founders of the Forge Mission Training Network and the founder of the missional Christian community, Smallboatbigsea, based in Manly in Sydney’s north.

Recent Publications:

Jesus the Fool (1994; 2007; 2010)

Longing for Love (1996)

Seeing God in the Ordinary (1998; 2000)

Lessons from Reel Life (2001) co-authored with Robert Banks

Freedom to Explore (2001)

The Shaping of Things to Come (2003) co-authored with Alan Hirsch

Speaking of Mission (2006) - editor

Exiles (2006)

ReJesus (2008) co-authored with Alan Hirsch

The Faith of Leap (2011) co-authored with Alan Hirsch

The Road to Missional (2011)

The Big Ideas (2011)

Speaking of Mission Vol.2 (2013) - editor

Incarnate (2014)

InterVarsity Press (2014)

Surprise the World! (2016)

To Alter Your World (2017) co-authored with Christiana Rice

Keep Christianity Weird (2018)

Not in Kansas Anymore (2020) co-edited with Darrell Jackson and David Starling

Hide This in Your Heart (2020) co-authored with Graham Joseph Hill

Blog at

Monica O'Neil
Lecturer in Christian Ministry and Practice

Lecturer in Christian Ministry and Practice

Doctor of Ministry candidate, MA (Min); Grad Cert Min; Grad Cert Professional Supervision

Monica was the Director of Vose Leadership before Vose merged with Morling, and is now a lecturer in Christian Ministry and Practice. She is an experienced minister, facilitator and strategy consultant, with a demonstrated history of working in professional training and coaching.

Monica is the senior minister at Living Grace Dianella Church of Christ, and she serves on the leadership of Australian Christian Mentoring Network.

Recent Publications

O'Neil, Monica (2021) Tethered between Reality and Aspiration: Grounding and Formative Practices for Australian Leaders in Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture: Papers by Australian Women Scholars in the Evangelical Tradition. Edited by Jill Firth and Denise Cooper-Clarke. ACT Monograph Series. Wipf and Stock

Nali Rajaratnam
Director of Finance

Bachelor of Business (Accounting), CPA

Nali joined Morling as Finance Manager in November 2016. She believes in the current season of her life, this is where God wants her to be. Nali has previously worked in banking, legal and Real Estate industries in management and senior management positions.

While carrying out her duties as National Finance Manager at the College Nali places importance on the fact, the college exists for the purpose of equipping the students for ministry.

Nicole Starling
Academic Dean | Lecturer in Church History

Academic Dean

BA/LLB (Hons), MA(CS), MRes, PhD

Nicole began teaching Christianity in History at Morling in 2014 before joining the Bible and Theology faculty in 2022. She completed her doctorate and post-doctoral fellowship through Macquarie University, researching the relationship between religious belief and enlightenment morality in the Australian temperance movement. Her research is focussed on the history of evangelicalism, Christian social activism and the church in Australia. Nicole is a member of the Evangelical History Association Executive and is the Editor of their journal, Lucas.
Nicole was previously a member of the pastoral team at Chatswood Baptist, and is now a member of Petersham Baptist Church.

Recent publications:

Evangelical Belief and Enlightenment Morality in the Australian Temperance Movement: 1832-1930, Routledge, 2024.

“‘Victims of Intemperance’: Status Politics and Clerical Drunkenness in the Second-Wave Temperance Societies of Colonial Sydney,” Australian Historical Studies, Vol 53, 1, 2022, 43.

“‘An auxiliary, not an usurper’: John Saunders, Temperance, and Secularisation,” Journal of Religious History 43 (2019): 380–99.

“‘A combination of aristocrats and religionists’? Religion, class and respectability in the Temperance activism of John Saunders,” Lucas: An Evangelical History Review 2.13 (2019): 13–38.

“‘Only Connect’: E. M. Forster, the Bloomsbury group, and the two Marianne Thorntons,” Fides et Historia 49 (2017): 16–35.

Nola Norris
Education Research Coordinator | Lecturer in Education

DipTeach, BEd, MEd, PhD

Nola is Education Research Coordinator in the Faculty of Education at Morling, where she lectures in the Master of Education program. Her interests include learning and teaching, cognition and metacognition, teacher professional development, giftedness, twice exceptionality, and autism/Asperger's syndrome.

After a varied career working in K-12 schools and at university, Nola completed her PhD in 2014. Her thesis title is ‘A new perspective on thinking, memory and learning in gifted adults with Asperger syndrome: Five phenomenological case studies’. Her research utilised neuroscience and autism research to interpret findings from in-depth interviews with gifted adults with Asperger syndrome. Nola’s research led to the development of a conceptual framework for professional development of pre-service and practising teachers to transform understanding of the unique learning needs and strengths of gifted students who have Asperger syndrome.

Prior to working full-time on her doctoral research, Nola was ICT Integration Coordinator at a K-12 independent co-educational school on the outskirts of Sydney, where her role was to work in professional development of teachers across the curriculum in the sound, innovative use of information technologies in the classroom.

Recent Publications

Norris, N. G. (2023). How does my student learn? Neurodiversity and the nature of learning in autism. International Journal of Christianity & Education, 27(1), 65-87. 

Norris, N. G. (2021a, 23 October). Neurodiversity and the nature of learning: Memory and the autism spectrum [Video recording]. 2021 Conference: Research Conversations, St Andrews Cathedral School, Sydney, Online. 

Norris, N. G. (2021b, 8 March). Neurodiversity’s visionary opportunities Research Seminar, Morling College. 

Norris, N. G., & Shaw, P. (2021). How do you understand learning? [Blog]. Morling College.

Norris, N. G. (2020a, 13 February 2021). Joining the dots in Asperger syndrome Asperger Syndrome Partner Information Australia (ASPIA), Online, Sydney, NSW. 

 Norris, N. G. (2020b, 13 November). Learning and memory in students with and without autism: A framework for applying neuroscience research to your educational practice Christian Special Schools Gathering, Pacific Hills Christian School.

Norris, N. G. (2020c, 8 February). Sense of self and time in Asperger syndrome Asperger Syndrome Partner Information Australia (ASPIA), Burwood, Sydney, NSW. 

Norris, N. G. (2018a). A new perspective on neurodiversity: Characteristics of people with and without autism within a framework of thinking, memory and learning. In A. Gibson & C. Chihota (Eds.), International Conference for Christian Educators (ebook ed., pp. 67-89). Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI) in association with The International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education.

Norris, N. G. (2018b, 10 August). Personal identity and Asperger syndrome. Christian Identity in the Public Arena Conference, Excelsia College, Macquarie Park, NSW. Norris, N. G. (2019, 23 October). Memory, identity and high-functioning autism Christian Special Schools Gathering, Pacific Hills Christian School.

Norris, N. G. (2017a, 18-20 September). Cognitive characteristic of learners with high-functioning autism: Translating neuroscience research for teacher professional learning. Science of Learning Conference, Brisbane.

Norris, N. G. (2017b, 19 August). Learner characteristics and cognitive profile of students with autism (ASD): A framework of thinking, memory and learning ACHEA Conference, Alphacrucis College, Parramatta, NSW. Norris, N. G.

Norris, N. G. (2014a, 31 July 2014). The cognitive profile of gifted learners with ASD: Pedagogical implications Autism in Education, Sydney Technology Park.

Norris, N. G. (2014b). A new perspective on thinking, memory and learning in gifted adults with Asperger syndrome: Five phenomenological case studies [PhD Thesis, University of Wollongong]. Wollongong, NSW.


Pam Loneragan
Corporate Administration Manager

Pam is our Corporate Administration Manager and is responsible for critical administrative operations across Morling's multiple campuses and faculties.

Pam’s journey before Morling includes significant roles such as an Associate Pastor and executive team member at C3 Church Cherrybrook, where she was instrumental in preaching, overseeing administration, managing finances, and board reporting. Her expertise extends to the Education Sector, where she held various positions handling HR, finance, student admissions, and welfare, among others. Pam’s robust background is also marked by her time with the NSW Police Force, including their state Executive Development program.

Adding to her professional journey, Pam will complete her Master in Leadership Practice in enhancing her already extensive credentials in HR, Bookkeeping, Business Studies, Commerce, Leadership and Ministry, and Workplace Training and Assessment.

Pamela Harvey
Adjunct Lecturer

Adjunct Lecturer, Education


Pam is passionate about Christian education and over the years has had great satisfaction in helping numerous teachers and pre-service teachers develop a sound philosophy and practice of Christian education. She has been involved in Christian education for over thirty years, working in Australia and Indonesia where she was Head of Curriculum and Primary Education at a Christian university near Jakarta. Since July 2011, when she returned to Australia, Pam has been a valued member of the Faculty of Education at Morling College, firstly, as the Dean, then as Senior Lecturer and now as an Adjunct Lecturer as she transitions to retirement.

Paul Kang
Lecturer in Pastoral and Practical Studies

PhD, M.Div, M.A., B.A

Paul began to serve Morling College from 2019 as a lecturer in Pastoral and Practical Studies and overseeing the Korean program. Paul was born in South Korea but he grew up in Australia where he finished most of his schooling.

Paul has a diverse ministry and academic experiences having done studies and ministry in Australia, South Korea, and the United States. His doctorate study (Christian Education emphasis) was completed in Talbot School of Theology, in California, United States. Prior to teaching at Morling, Paul was involved with pastoral ministry for over 18 years serving in areas of multicultural ministries (Sri Lanka, Korea) youth ministry, and both young and old adults ministry, and taught Christian education and leadership courses in Torch Trinity Graduate University in Korea (2013 to 2018).

Recent Publications

“Integration of Faith and Learning: Reflections in Christian Education Context”, Theology and Praxis,54, 425-448, 2017.

“Teaching in a world that cries out for authenticity: Reflections on teacher authenticity in Christian education”, Korea Society for Christian Education & Information Technology, 30, 121-141, 2016.

“Teaching for transformation: Exploring potential domains of transformative learning”, Korea Society for Christian Education & Information Technology, 28, 99-125, 2015.

“Perception and Experience of Transformative Learning and Faculty Authenticity among North American Professors of Christian Education”, Christian Education Journal, 10(Fall), 339-359. 2013.

Paul Pickering
Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Lecturer

Master Counselling, Graduate Diploma Individual Psychotherapy and Relationship Therapy, Graduate Certificate Professional Supervision, Bachelor Nursing, Diploma Ministry

Paul is a graduate of Morling college. He has extensive experience in Chaplaincy with a particular interest in Dementia. In 2018 he commenced teaching Palliative and Dementia Care, a unit which he had written. In addition to this, Paul now teaches Biblical and Theological Dimensions of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, Human Development and assists in Professional Supervision Intensives. He maintains a private practice in Pastoral Supervision. 

Paul Mosiejczuk
Member of Morling College Board

Paul is a current member of Liverpool Baptist Church with a wide range of ministry experience including pastoral leadership, Board membership of Sowers International Australia Inc. , and cross-cultural work.

Paul Cheung
Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

Penny Bell
Adjunct Lecturer

Adjunct Lecturer

M. Couns, Ad. Dip. Couns. & Family Therapy, Cert. Supervision (CCAA), Cert IV TAE.

Penny joined Morling College at the beginning of 2019 as a supervisor of students who are in placement.

Penny has been a counsellor in private practice since 2006 and a supervisor since 2013. She trained counsellors at Diploma level with St Mark’s RTO for 6 years and currently teaches Developmental Issues in Counselling at Avondale University College. Penny has also worked at Catholic Care as a counsellor for women experiencing domestic violence.

Penny is a Clinical member and Registered Supervisor with CCAA, and a member of the ACA College of Supervisors.

How do you see the Morling values reflected in your role at Morling?

role is clinical supervisor of students who have received most of their counsellor training already and are now at the very beginning of their professional counselling career. Student counsellor supervision involves support and encouragement as the budding new therapists practice their skills in the community for the first time and, over the year, grow in confidence as they put the benefits of their training into practice. Because I work with the students at the culmination of their study journey I have the priviledge of seeing how well grounded they are in the counselling discipline as a result of Morling’s very balanced integrative approach to navigating the world of counselling as a Christian practitioner. I find it an honour and a joy to be invited into the worlds of these students and travel with them through their practicum year, at the end of which they are fully fledged fellow counsellors. I feel very much as if I am part of a wonderful team of Christian educators who all desire the same thing for the students – to be equipped and ready for their role in the community as very much needed counsellors.

Perry Shaw
Honorary Research Associate

BA, BTh, DipEd, MEd, ThM, EdD, FIA

Perry joined the Morling team in 2020. From 1990 to 2019 Perry and his family served as missionaries in the Middle East. During the 1990s Perry was involved in helping in the establishment of extension centres in Syria for the Program for Theological Education by Extension. He then taught at the Near East School of Theology and the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon. At ABTS Perry led the development of a highly innovative curriculum, which has led to a significant role as a faculty development consultant for theological schools across the globe.

Perry has written Transforming Theological Education (translated to French and Spanish) and co-edited Challenging Tradition: Innovation in Advanced Theological Education, and Teaching across Cultures: A Global Christian Perspective, and authored the TEE texts The Art of Teaching (translated to Arabic, Farsi, Armenian, and Urdu) and The Acts of the Apostles (translated to Arabic and Hindi). Perry has published widely in the areas of theological education, higher education, curriculum, teaching methodology, intercultural leadership, and research methodology. For relaxation he likes to drink coffee, play squash, and watch movies – but not at the same time.

Peter Friend
Lecturer in Biblical Languages

Lecturer in Biblical Languages

B.A.Hons (Sydney Uni.), Dip.Ed. (Sydney Uni.), Grad.Dip.Christ.Stud. (Morling College), M.Div (Morling College)

Peter studied his M.Div at Morling, finishing in 2016, with a particular interest in both Old and New Testament studies (including Hebrew and Greek). His background before College was in writing and editing, having worked on a range of book and commercial projects, and as a children's poet and writer. As a writer, Peter is especially inspired by nature, by history, by literature, by the world of the imagination and by biblical theology. He enjoy the outdoors and reading. Peter is also a regular preacher in church.

Recent Publications

What's the Matter, Aunty May?, illustrated by Andrew Joyner (Little Hare Books, 2012), Shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Literary Awards, 2013.

The Cliff Runner (Blake Education, 2013), a children's novel.

Plus seventy or more children's poems and short stories published by the NSW Department of Education in The School Magazine, in various issues 2001 - 2020.

Peter Francis
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

Dip T; B.Ed; MDiv; Grad Theol; MA (Theo); DMin

After a 10 year career as a high school teacher, Peter entered into pastoral ministry where he served in 3 churches over a period of 21 years. During this time he continued with his theological studies and in 2011 was appointed to the faculty of Malyon College. In 2017, Peter was appointed as Principal of Malyon Theological College where he also taught in the areas of Old Testament Overview, Missions and Pastoral Studies.

Peter also has a wider preaching and teaching ministry which sees him regularly speaking in churches and conferences both here in Australia and overseas. He is passionate about the importance of a deeper appreciation of the OT in understanding the great missional plan of God as revealed in all the Scriptures.

Prince Maxwell
Casual IT Assistant

Rachel Stuhr
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)


Rachel joined the Morling team as an Adjunct Lecturer in 2023. She has many years of experience in youth ministry, and currently serves as the Youth and Young Adults Pastor in her local church. She is also part of the Baptist Youth Ministries team, where she offers support, training, and resources, particularly to regional youth ministries.

Rachelle Gollan
Receptionist and Administrative Assistant (QLD)

Cert III (BusAdmin); DipMin

Rachelle works on Morling's Brisbane campus, and loves being able to support students in their theological studies and see people equipped for God's work. 

She is involved in her church, serving on the welcoming team and attending a life group. In her spare time, she enjoys watching a good movie or show and engaging in some sort of creative activity.


Rebeca Lucena
Gilbert Wright Library Officer (NSW)

Rebeca (or Beca) works in the Gilbert Wright Library on our Sydney Campus. She is passionate about books, Jesus and His Church. 

Rebecca Hall
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)

B.A., Grad Dip Ed., M.A., Certificate of Theology with First class honours, MEd (Leadership)

Rebecca is a passionate and professional Christian educator of over 27 years teaching and leadership experience in a variety of schools in both Australia and the UK. Rebecca currently serves as Principal of Tyndale Christian School in Sydney and believes that through Biblically shaped teaching students learn that life has order, meaning, and purpose. It is her desire that graduating students will apply the peace of Christ to a broken world, redeem that which is right and true in accordance with Philippians 4:8, be transformed into the likeness of Christ and equipped to lead a life of service to others.

Rebecca Brown
Senior Future Student Officer

BTeach(Primary), DipMin

Rebecca started her journey as a full time Morling student in 2019. She now loves to help new students find the right course, navigate the admissions process and get started on their own journey.

Rebecca Starling
Library Casual (NSW)

Rebecca helps out in our Sydney campus library, and attends Petersham Baptist Church. She loves reading and learning about history!

Rob Ferguson
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Master of Social Science (Human Services Counselling); Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Couple Counselling); Bachelor of Theology (Honours); Diploma in Ministry; Diploma in Youth Ministry; Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)

Rob has spent most of his 30 ordained years as a chaplain in hospital, university, school, and prison settings. Currently he is the Anglican Senior Chaplain for prisons in Victoria, leading a team of chaplains in 20 secure locations including adult prisons, youth detention centres, and deportation centres.

He is a PACFA registered counsellor, specialising in working with couples utilising both Emotion-Focussed Couple Therapy and Gottman Therapy.

Rob also pastors a small congregation in rural Victoria, where he lives on a small acreage with horses, dogs, cows, and a stable of guitars.

Rob’s primary joy is seeing people grow in their faith as they discover their vocation as image-bearers of God. He believes theological education is an important element of many people’s journey in becoming the disciples God has called them to be.

Sarah Pickford
Residential Life Officer

BMin, GradDipChap (currently enrolled)

Sarah joined the team MRC at the beginning of 2024. As Resident Supervisor, she is responsible for caring for the Residents Assistants (RA) and helping to organise events and build community. In her spare time she loves to bake, going on adventures with friends and spending time growing closer in her relationship with God.

Sayali Abhyankar
MRC Casual

B Sport and Exercise Science; MChiroSc

Sayali Abhyankar is a final year Master of Chiropractic student at Macquarie University. Having lived at Morling Residential College for the past 2 years, Sayali is excited to take on the role of a Residential Assistant in 2024.

She is originaly from Pune, India, and loves playing cricket and having a good cup of coffee - if you ever want to have a chat.

Sharon Jory
Pastoral Supervisor (Group and Individual)

Shelley Fairgrieve
Counselling Lecturer

Sheryll Abino
CCSC Receptionist and Administrative Assistant

Sheryll has worked in administration and receptionist roles in the allied health industry for the last 5 years. Outside of work, she enjoys baking and occasionally bush walking to take photos of the local scenery, flora and fauna. On the weekends, she serves in her local church and brings baked goods to the volunteers in her team.

Stephanie Jap
Assistant Accountant

Assistant Accountant

Bachelor of Applied Finance, Bachelor of Professional Accounting

Stephanie joined the finance department at Morling College in April 2016. She completed her degree in Accounting and Finance at Macquarie University in 2012, and has been working in accounting field since then. Having been encouraged by her former CFO, she is currently on her way to finishing the CPA program.

Stephen Fyson
Adjunct Lecturer (EDU)


Stephen has worked in the helping and teaching professions for over 35 years. He has had the privilege of combining his research into how people relate interpersonally, and what that looks like within community, with his work throughout this time. For the last 30 years, Stephen’s focus has been in Christian schooling. In his roles as a Principal, Counsellor and Teacher, Stephen has pursued the themes of belonging, engagement, respect, and the balance of justice and mercy as worship in this context. This has been done with an eye to consider the impact that these relational dynamics have on teaching, learning and serving from a Biblical understanding.

Stephen Bray
Educational Designer

Educational Designer

PhD [Candidate], BEd(AdultEd), BTh, GradCertTheology, GradCertHigherEd, CertIVTAE, MACE

Stephen works alongside academic faculty, designing, developing and delivering online and on campus courses, providing educational and technical expertise, including administering the Morling Online learning management system. In addition, he teaches church history units online and occasionally on campus.

Stephen has academic interests in the history and practice of theological education, ministry formation, and technologically integrated learning. His PhD thesis looks at the study of Christian history as a part of the theological education curriculum, and its capacity to shape Christians for kingdom ministry.

Stephen Welsh
Member of Morling College Board

Stephen has been a member of Narwee Baptist Church for the past 25 years, serving on the diaconate for most of that time. He has also completed a Bachelor of Theology at Morling College, graduating in 2003.

Stephen joined the board in 2023, filling a casual vacancy, bringing with him four decades of experience in construction and project management. He is also a Professional Certified Coach, and in this capacity volunteers his services to Baptist pastors in the Transform Southern Sydney network.

Steve Sherriff
Property and Maintenance Officer (NSW)

Steve is in charge of general day to day maintenance of buildings and grounds of Macquarie Park campus.

Steve McCready
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT)

CertHigherEd (TheoStud), MA LeadStud, DMin, GradCertProfSup (Pastoral)

Steve joined our Bible and Theology team as an adjuct lecturer in 2024, with particular involvement in our pastoral and practical ministry unit, Ministry Formation. Steve is the Senior Minister at Riverview Church, in Perth.

Originally from Belfast, where he led the work of Youth for Christ Northern Ireland, Steve lived and ministered with his family for ten years in Canada, serving large Baptist churches in the roles of executive and senior pastor. Steve and his family moved to Australia in 2021 to join the leadership team at Riverview.

Although resident in Australia, Steve has maintained his connection to North America, through his seminary work with Kairos University, where he works as faculty, guiding MDiv and DMin students through their programs. He currently supports the educational journey of pastors in Canada, the USA, Kenya, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. His passion for learning has recently taken Steve into a Doctor of Theology program where he is focusing his studies on the restoration of theologically informed leadership in large churches.

Steve is married to Rebecca, a primary teacher, and has two children. The McCready family has three citizenships (UK, Ireland, Canada), a passion for travel and adventure, and a shared love of sunsets and walks on the beach.

Stuart Hight
Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

BAppSocSc (Counselling); Master of Counselling Practice

Stuart is a curious, gentle man who has had the pleasure of many years walking alongside others and having others come alongside him during his own joys and trials of life. He believes we are meant to do life in relationship, yet so often with relationships come complications and confusion. Having had his own share of relationship challenges and health issues, he is now convinced that true healing comes when we begin to relate to ourselves, others and God in a more open, accepting, compassionate way.

He has spent the last decade exploring the world of therapy from both chairs, so to speak. This journey of discovery has included a 5 yr Masters qualification, several years as an addiction therapist for a non-profit organisation. Stuart is now developing his own private practice, pursuing ongoing therapy training as well as tutoring part time at Morling.

When he takes off his therapy hat, you may find him in the water free diving or playing farmer on his property. Stuart also has 3 adult kids and a lovely wife.

Sylvia Collinson
Member of Morling College Board

Dr Sylvia Collinson (BA Hons, MEd, PhD) came to Morling College in 2003 as Dean of Students and part-time Lecturer in New Testament & Christian Education. Previously she was Vice-Principal at BCSA (Adelaide) and later a P/T lecturer at Vose Seminary (Perth). After retiring in 2013 she commenced the ESL program at Carlingford Baptist where she is currently an elder. Long association with Scripture Union’s ministry in 3 states, and as part of the international team of writers for Bible Reading Guides, she has been strongly influenced in her enduring passion for discipling others in the faith.

Thomas Schilling
Casual IT Assistant

IT and Economics Student at Macquarie University (currently enrolled)

Thomas is a casual IT Assistant at Morling, and enjoys playing with technology and building his own PC's.

Thrivedi Danthakani
MRC Residential Assistant

As a Residential Assistant at Morling Residential College, I enjoy creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all the students. I love organizing events and activities that bring everyone together. In my spare time, you'll often find me in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes and cooking delicious meals to share with friends.

Tim Sweetman
Adjunct Tutor (CCSC)

BMin (Pastoral Studies), GradCertProfSup (Pastoral), Assoc Member - Australasian Association Of Supervision (2021 - 2024)

With a background in pastoral ministry and school chaplaincy, Tim has operated as a Youth Pastor, an Associate Pastor, an Interim Pastor, and a Senior Pastor. Tim’s church leadership experiences span large, medium, and small churches and includes ministry in both hurting and healthy church contexts. More recently, Tim has completed a Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Pastoral) and established Siloam Wellness Centre through which he supports pastors and vocational ministry workers in professional pastoral supervision. In 2024, Tim joined the Morling College team as a tutor for the Brisbane cohort of the Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision.

Tracey White
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, Graduate Diploma of Applied Psychology, Graduate Certificate of Counselling, Bachelor of Arts (Hons Psych)

Tracey joined the faculty of Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care at Morling College in 2021 as adjunct lecturer for the Social Research Unit. She brought with her 6 years of prior experience lecturing in a post-graduate, Christian, counselling context having worked as a casual lecturer at Excelsia College. In this role she taught research methods, narrative therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy to counselling students, as well as being involved in course unit development.

Tracey is a professionally registered psychologist with over 20 years’ experience in the field. She spent the first 10 years of her career doing part-time research and part-time counselling. In her research capacity, Tracey was involved in the design and/or conduct of multiple research projects in the areas of peri-natal mental health and women’s health and has published research on the topics of post-traumatic stress after childbirth and routine antenatal psycho-social screening. Clinically, over the course of her career, Tracey has provided psychological assessment and counselling to adults, couples, children and families dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, domestic violence, workplace stress and relationship problems in Community Health and Private Practice settings.

Tracey’s work is heavily guided by the Christian principles of caring for, and valuing, people, relationship and community. She has a passion for providing people with opportunities to grow, learn and develop, moving closer to God and becoming the best versions of themselves.

Trevor Wight
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

BSocStud; MM; GradDip(ChrStud)

Trevor worked as a social worker/Manager/Director in child, youth and family services for close to 20 years prior to spending 10 years on the pastoral team at Dural Baptist heading up their community services and pastoral care. Trevor started working with BaptistCare NSW & ACT as a Chaplain in November 2011 and spent almost 5 of those years as BaptistCare’s Senior Chaplain.

In January 2018, Trevor was seconded to the role of inaugural Associate Dean for Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care (part time), for a two-year period, while still working for BaptistCare as the Manager, Church Relationships (part time). After successfully leading the establishment of this Graduate award, Trevor has returned to his BaptistCare role, while continuing as an adjunct lecturer.

Tsitsi Mavhaire
Senior Computer Network and Systems Engineer

BIT (double major - Business analytics and information systems), CLAiT level 1 & 2 Diploma 

Meet Tsitsi, the dynamo of our I.T. department! She first joined the Morling team in 2018, ready to tackle the digital world with gusto. Her journey with Morling has also included a brief hiatus in 2023 (because, hey, even superheroes need a break), but she rejoined us in 2024, better and bolder than ever.

With a flair for bridging the gap between users and machines, whether troubleshooting tech woes or conjuring up innovative solutions, Tsitsi is always at the forefront, leading the way with a smile and positivity.

But wait, there's more to this tech whiz than meets the eye! When she's not busy decoding algorithms or charming servers, you'll find her donning her other capes—as the chair lady of all young adults in GrSydney at her church, Forward in Faith, where she leads with boundless energy. Surprisingly,  she's also the head of media, bringing light and sound to her local church. 

Off duty, Tsitsi enjoys leading a healthy and fit lifestyle. And let's not forget her love for good food and great company—because life's too short for anything less!

Victoria Paoki
Maintenance Assistant

Viren Singham
Casual IT Assistant

Casual IT Assistant

Completing Mechatronic Engineering and Computer Science Degree at UNSW

Viren joined the Morling IT team in 2022. He currently attends church at Pennant Hills Baptist Church and loves learning about how machines and software work, in order to have the know-how to fix it. With this knowledge, he is sure that he can use it to help you with your IT problems!

Vivian Grice
Adjunct Lecturer (CCSC)

Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Diploma of Education, Bachelor of Theology (Hons), Diploma of Ministry, Master of Theology, Graduate Certificate Professional Supervision (Pastoral)

Originally trained and working as a secondary teacher in the NSW State system before being called by God into pastoral ministry, Vivian has taught in the professional supervision course at Morling since 2022.

Following ministry training at Morling College, he served in local Baptist churches in NSW for 22 years, before a working in a leadership role with the Baptist Association, focusing on pastoral well-being, resilience and development, from 2006 - 2019. While in that role he helped develop a now growing focus upon the importance of professional supervision for pastoral leadership.

Since concluding the denominational role in Feb 2019, he has been involved in the professional supervision and mentoring of ministers, chaplains and those in denominational leadership from across Australia. He is a member of the Australasian Association of Supervisors (AAOS), and an accredited supervisor with Chaplaincy Australia (CA).

Warren Kercher
Campus Director (QLD) | Dean of Strategic Relationships (QLD) | Lecturer in Christian Ministry & Practice

BMin, GradDipMin, PhD

Warren joined the Morling team after serving as Administrative Services Manager and Lecturer in Christian Ministry and Practice at Malyon Theological College.

He is an ordained minister with Queensland Baptists who has served in a variety of a pastoral and parachurch roles. He is passionate about equipping others well for effective and sustainable ministry.

Welina Wei
HR Officer

HR Officer

Bachelor of Commerce (Major: Financial Accounting & Corporate Finance), Master of Human Resources & Employment Relations

Welina is enthusiastic about developing innovative processes that are aligned with the needs of the organization and its people. With a heart for understanding and helping people, along with a background in finance and client management, Welina is looking forward to continuing the development of Morling as an engaging workplace that is both productive and sustainable. 

Wendy Noble
Adjunct Lecturer (BAT) | Academic Tutor

BA, GradDip TESOL, PhD

Wendy first taught English language in Japan, then ESL in Canada, and more recently Academic Writing in Australia. She studied theology at Regent College, Vancouver. In 2008, she completed her doctoral thesis in Applied Linguistics at Macquarie University, which looked closely at how to teach academic argumentation to just about anyone.

Wendy started at Morling in 2020 as our Academic Tutor, and also co-ordinates the Morling Unit AS003 Academic Writing and Communication.

William Peirson
Member of Morling College Board

Bill Peirson is the Master & Chief Executive Officer of New College, Sydney and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW Sydney. His role involves the overall management of New College and New College Postgraduate Village. He provides leadership for all aspects of college life including pastoral oversight, academic support, development of New College and the relationship of the College to the alumni, University and wider community. Adj Prof Peirson is the Director of the Centre for Christian Apologetics, Scholarship and Education (CASE). He was also formerly the Director of the UNSW Water Research Laboratory at the Northern Beaches Campus where he continues to supervise and conduct research.

Zacharia Feacher
Adjunct Tutor (BAT)