Bible & Theology
Winter Intensives

At Morling, our mission is to equip men and women with the knowledge that they need to serve God in many different roles: pastoral ministry, in the work place, Christian education, missions work, counselling, and chaplaincy. We also recognise that it is often difficult to stop working in order to pursue further study.  In order to accommodate students who cannot attend weekly lectures, Morling has established a study program across the summer and winter breaks, and Intensive Study Units during semesters 1 and 2.

Click HERE for help with how to enrol for our Intensives.

Understanding Intensives

Intensives are designed to deliver the face-to-face teaching, necessary for skills development, in a short period of time, while utilising online learning for the remainder of the course material. Normally, intensive units will include online learning components designed to be completed prior to the face-to-face intensive days, so please take note of the start date for each intensive. There are three different types of intensives:

  • Intensives - Intensives are units which are delivered primarily on-campus (face-to-face delivery). Students should be aware that approx 20-50% of course content will normally be delivered online prior to the on-campus days.  
  • Semi-Intensives - Semi-Intensives are units which normally have 4-5 on-campus days with face-to-face delivery spread out over the semester with some online support materials.  

2025 Winter Intensives

Delivery: Winter Intensive (pre-intensive component PLUS 5 days of on-campus/livestream intensive classes)
Study Modes Available: On-Campus (Sydney) or Livestream
Unit Codes: NT014-612 / NT014-712 / NT014-812 / NT206-912 / NT015-612 / NT015-712 / NT015-812 / NT207/912
Unit Start Date: Online pre-intensive component (20%) starts TBC
Unit End Date: tbc
On-Campus Dates: (Sydney) tbc
Lecturers: David Starling, Tim MacBride

This unit provides an introduction to the letters to Titus and Timothy, known as the “Pastoral Epistles.” Addressed to two of Paul’s co-workers, they provide insight into the nature of the early New Testament church, as well as a challenge for Christian leaders today, with a particular focus on godly character and wise discernment. Students will look at important critical issues such as authorship, purpose, and genre, then undertake an exegetical analysis of selected chapters—some of which are the subject of lively debate!

Find more unit details (including Pre-Requisite, Co-Requisite and Excluded Unit requirements) here.

Delivery: Winter Intensive (pre-intensive component PLUS 3 days of on-campus/livestream intensive classes)
Study Modes Available: On-Campus (Brisbane) or Livestream
Unit Codes: PC041-712 / PC041-812 / PC041-912
Unit Start Date: Online pre-intensive component (20%) starts 19 May 2025 (late enrolments only available via consultation with the Unit Coordinator) 
Unit End Date: tbc
On-Campus Dates: (Brisbane) 23-25 June 2025 | 9:30am - 4:00pm (AEST)
Lecturer: Ian Hussey

Find more unit details (including Pre-Requisite, Co-Requisite and Excluded Unit requirements) here.

Delivery: Winter Intensive (pre-intensive component PLUS 4 days of on-campus classes)
Study Modes Available: On-Campus (Perth)
Unit Codes: PC048-612 / PC048-712 / PC048-812 / NT205-912
Unit Start Date: Online pre-intensive component (20%) starts TBC
Unit End Date: tbc
On-Campus Dates: (Perth) 23-26 June 2025
Lecturer: Marc Rader

Building on the basic homiletic model taught in Preaching I, this unit will broaden your knowledge and understanding of the theology and practice of preaching.

Taught by a highly experienced preacher, Preaching II examines different types and styles of preaching (expository, doctrinal, narrative), how to preach from various types of biblical literature, how to preach in particular circumstances, including evangelistic services, major seasons in the church year, weddings, funerals, etc. This is an extremely practical skills-based unit. 

Please Note: there is a fieldwork component for this unit. For assessment, students will need to arrange an opportunity to preach ONE sermon in a church setting: ideally in a church service, but it can also be in e.g. a youth group, or home bible study group.

Find more unit details (including Pre-Requisite, Co-Requisite and Excluded Unit requirements) here.

How to Enrol

Existing ACT/Morling Students (studying for credit):

Enrol ONLINE here

New Students (studying for credit):

Before enrolling in any of our units for credit, new students will need to complete the Student Application process. We strongly encourage you to contact us early, to discuss your study options and eligibility. Use one of the forms on this page to apply now as either a full-time or part-time student. 

Casual / Audit (non-credit)

Casual enrolments are available for anyone who wishes to attend an intensive unit, but does not want to complete assessment tasks or gain credit towards an award. You can download the Casual Enrolment Form here.

Important Information

how do Intensives Work?

Intensives are lectures given as a series over several consecutive days (generally a one-week period). Semi-intensives run over several non-consecutive days, spread over several weeks (for example, a series of Mondays). Each intensive unit is run differently, so it is important that you contact Morling College for information on when the intensives are scheduled, the prior reading requirements, and how frequently the unit is offered.

Because of the fast-paced nature of intensive units, we strongly recommend that you enquire with a faculty member of Morling if you are interested in attending these classes.


The benefits of Intensive Units

Many students at Morling are working professionals with families, commitments and a busy schedule. We understand that making time each week to attend lectures can be difficult. Intensive Units provide a way for students to gain the same quality of education at a pace that works around your busy schedule.

On campus accommodation during Intensives

Casual accommodation is often available in Morling Residential College and can be booked through the Casual Bookings Website. Any enquiries regarding accommodation can be by email: [email protected] or Phone: 02 8458 2320.