Did you know you don’t need to commit to an entire degree to study at Morling College?
If you are curious and want to grow in knowledge and faith, enrol as a casual student in one of our 2024 units and don't worry about exams or assessments. Casual Studies are perfect for bible study groups and church leaders wishing to get equipped to better serve their churches. 

A list of units most suitable for new or audit students is provided below, however audit enrolments are welcome in most units that are on offer each semester.
Please contact us if you have further questions about this. 




Casual Units Without Pre-Requisites: Recommendations for New / audit Students

To check what is available each semester, please consult our Unit Offerings and Semester Timetables, and contact [email protected] if you have any quetions.

To enrol in one of our units on a casual basis (not for course credit):

Bible, Theology & Ministry (incl Monday Night Live) - Enrol Online

Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care - Enrol Online

To enrol in a single unit (for academic credit):

Bible, Theology & Ministry  Find out more

Education / Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care find out more

Bible & Theology Units

In this unit we’ll be learning about the story of Christianity from New Testament times until the Reformation era, particularly focusing on the Western tradition of the church. We’ll discover the people, movements and ideas that made an impact – for better or worse.

From the doctrine of the Trinity to Luther’s Ninety Five Theses, via people like St Francis of Assisi and events like the Crusades, we’ll see how people have followed Jesus in the past and reflect on how we can emulate their successes and learn from their failures.

In this unit we’ll be learning about the story of Christianity from the English Reformation to the present. We’ll learn about those who reinvigorated the church with their emphasis on personal devotion, and those who threw themselves into social activism and mission work - people like John Wesley, Catherine Booth and William Wilberforce. We’ll see how different denominations have emerged and influenced the way we practice our Christian faith today. 

The title says it all! We explore the various shapes that Christian mission has taken over the past 2000 years, including:

  • the early church,
  • the Celtic missions,
  • the Catholic missionary orders,
  • the Reformation, and
  • the various kinds of Protestant mission throughout history.

It’s church history, but just the interesting bits! And we finish up by asking what shape mission should take in our current age.

This course will challenge your worldview and will light a fire in your heart for mission.

The reading material is divided into several highly practical areas such as the biblical basis for mission, the history of mission, and then understanding how culture influences the way in which we go about mission. This material has been used to equip countless missionaries and is a brilliant introduction to understanding our missionary God.

Over half of Australia's population either born overseas, or have at least one parent that was, if you're not communicating cross-culturally then you're effectively not reaching half your audience. Taking a look at culture and communication this unit is designed to have you thinking about how you can best communicate in light of people's cultural differences and their ways of understanding the world.

This unit helps develop an integrated understanding of aid and development and its place within the context of holistic minsitry. It draws on biblical, theological, philosophical and theoretical perspectives, integrating these with a discussion of practical and strategic considerations and close evaluation of a case study, with the aim of equipping students to be reflective practitioners.

This is a very practical unit that will expand your knowledge of the gospel and how to share it with others.

We explore the content of the gospel, different models of evangelism, the sovereignty of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the nature of conversion.

And as part of your assessment, you will also be expected to undertake 20 hours of field work (personal involvement in specifically evangelistic activities). It will be practical and inspiring.

This unit is aimed at giving church planters or those interested in church planting the basic tools for thinking about how to launch a new congregation. It is taught by Michael Frost and Jamie Freeman, the director of church planting for the Baptist Church.

You will learn how understand the context in which you will plant, how to determine what kind of church is needed, and ideas for recruiting a team. Part of the assessment involves creating a church planting plan.

This is the first of two foundational New Testament units. It provides an overview of the four gospels and the portraits that they paint of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus—with a focus on how Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God in word and deed. It also offers an introduction to the context in which the gospels were written and in which the events they describe took place, and the core message of the gospels for Christian readers today.

This is the second foundational New Testament unit, following on from Jesus and the Gospels. It provides an overview of the book of Acts, as well as sic epistles and the book of Revelation. It focuses on the way in which the New Testament texts spoke into the lives and social situations of their original audience, guiding us into our understading of how they still speak to us today.

This is a one-semester overview of the New Testament. It looks at the four gospels and the portraits that they paint of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus—with a focus on how Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God in word and deed. The unit also tells the story of the early New Testament Church as reflected in the book of Acts, as well as selected epistles and the book of Revelation. 

This unit looks at the themes and contents of the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy) and the Former Prophets (Joshua to 2 Kings). We will see God acting in history, through his chosen people, to make himself known, and to bring blessing to all peoples on earth.

This unit gives students the opportunity to engage with the second half of the Old Testament, including the prophetic books (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve) and The Writings (Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Psalms, Daniel and Wisdom Literature).

This is a one semester overview of the Old Testament. It explores the Old Testament from the perspective of covenant: the relationship between God and his people that plays out throughout the Old Testament and into the New. For the most part, this is a big-picture overview; yet at times, the unit stops to consider in more detail some of the idnividual stories and passages that demonstrate the bigger themes.

This unit teaches introductory skills i preaching, focusing on faithfully communicating the content and function of the biblical text to a contemporary audience. In the first half of the unit, a foundational model for preaching is taught: discerning the theological focus of the biblical text, mapping the flow of the sermon, and filling out each scene inthe sermon with explanation, illustration, and application. The second half looks at aspects of sermon delivery, as well as topical and evangelistic preaching.

This subject helps people both think about the ways Christians see the world, and the ways that others see it too.

Do you have a passion or a gift? Whether it’s music or maths, comedy or construction, you’ll have the opportunity to consider it from a Chrisian perspective. Or maybe you’re interested in how other people view the world – how might a Tibetan Buddhist understand the worlds’ problems? What might a secular French intellectual suggest as the answer? Do Christian Worldview and you’ll find out.

Know what you believe in and why you believe it: this overview unit introduces some of the key doctrines of the Christian faith and equips you with the tools to read and study in the area of systematic theology. It will also give you an opportunity to evaluate your personal beliefs.


Bible, Theology & Ministry (Single Unit)

Enrol Online

Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Units

This unit outlines the impact of ageing, how common health conditions affect the spiritual and psychological perspectives of older persons, models of spiritual and pastoral care that provide meaning and promote spiritual growth and the process of spiritual assessment. Students will develop a pastoral and theological understanding of the spirituality of ageing through the integration of rituals, symbols, sacred texts and prayers as facilitators of meaning. This unit also explores the social context of ageing and the impact this has on spiritual wellbeing in order to promote spiritual growth within the community and in diverse, multi-disciplinary settings.

This unit outlines current developments and knowledge of the nature, course, common trajectories, and types of dementia, as well as an understanding of current palliative care theory in a chaplaincy and spiritual care setting.

Students will develop an applied understanding of end-of-life care, including grief and loss and appropriate responses to palliative care in a chaplaincy and spiritual care setting. This unit will explore the theological and spiritual insights and ethical dimensions that emerge as care is offered to aged persons with dementia as well as exploring the role of chaplaincy and spiritual care within a multidisciplinary approach to dementia care and palliative care.


Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care (Single Unit)

Enrol Online



ENQUIRE NOW: Let us know you are interested by entering your details on the form below and one of our Future Student Advisors will get in touch with you. 

Single Unit For Credit - Bible & Theology

Single Unit Study with the Australian College of Theology is an enrolment method which does not lead to a formal ACT award and does not form part of an award course at another higher education provider. If a student does not intend to complete an academic award and wants instead to enrol only in individual units, then the student is to enrol through single unit study mode.

Enrolment will normally be allowed only if the student has met the ACT’s entry requirements for the award to which the units normally belong. Single unit study is recognised for credit transfer into an ACT qualification at a later date, subject to the normal ACT regulations regarding credit transfers. However, successful completion of single unit study does not of itself guarantee later course admission.

Students undertaking single unit study are ineligible for FEE-HELP funding and must pay their tuition fees upfront. Fees are set as per our tuition fee schedule at the domestic/overseas per-unit rate.

Existing students at Morling College can enrol in a single unit of study for credit by selecting 'Non-Award (single unit for credit)' in the Course of Study dropdown list on the Enrolment Form.

Future students of Morling College will need to fulfil the admission requirements prior to enrolling by completing our full Application Process.