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David Starling

Picture of David Starling

MA, Dip Ed, BTh (Hons), BMin, PhD

David Starling joined the Morling faculty in 2005 and has lectured since then in New Testament, Hermeneutics, Greek and Theology.

He became the Head of Morling’s Bible and Theology Department in 2014, and was appointed as the Chief Academic Officer in 2019. He exercises a senior role in ministry and leadership, overseeing learning, teaching and research across the faculties.

David worked as an English teacher in Western Sydney before completing theological studies and serving as a pastor in Sydney's Inner West. He and his family currently attend Chatswood Baptist Church.

Recent Publications

Reading Ephesians and Colossians (Smyth & Helwys, 2020)

Hermeneutics as Apprenticeship (Baker Academic, 2016)

UnCorinthian Leadership (Cascade, 2014)

Not my People: Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics (DeGruyter, 2011).

View Publications by David Starling here.

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