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Peter Friend

Picture of Peter Friend

Lecturer in Biblical Languages

B.A.Hons (Sydney Uni.), Dip.Ed. (Sydney Uni.), Grad.Dip.Christ.Stud. (Morling College), M.Div (Morling College)

Peter studied his M.Div at Morling, finishing in 2016, with a particular interest in both Old and New Testament studies (including Hebrew and Greek). His background before College was in writing and editing, having worked on a range of book and commercial projects, and as a children's poet and writer. As a writer, Peter is especially inspired by nature, by history, by literature, by the world of the imagination and by biblical theology. He enjoy the outdoors and reading. Peter is also a regular preacher in church.

Recent Publications

What's the Matter, Aunty May?, illustrated by Andrew Joyner (Little Hare Books, 2012), Shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Literary Awards, 2013.

The Cliff Runner (Blake Education, 2013), a children's novel.

Plus seventy or more children's poems and short stories published by the NSW Department of Education in The School Magazine, in various issues 2001 - 2020.

Recent Posts

Why read old books?

As summer looms and the holidays stretch before us, many of us are hoping to read more books. But what books will we read? Will...

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Video conferencing and a sense of loss

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7 Tips on How to Study the Bible

The Bible is a very large book—actually sixty-six books collected together in one volume!—and it is very old, even if you read it in a...

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