Are You A Chaplain Looking To Increase Your Scope Of Practice?

We have a range of professional development units you can enrol in right now! 

These units of study are open to chaplaincy practitioners and are conducted in a number of different delivery modes. Completing these specialty units as an AUDIT student or casual (not for academic credit) is an affordable way of updating and expanding your knowledge and skill base.

We’re offering a range of specialist courses for chaplains:

  • CHA822 - Spirituality and Ageing
  • CHA821 - Palliative & Dementia Care
  • CHA901 - Leadership & Management for Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care
  • CHA904 - Theological Reflection for Ongoing Formation in Chaplaincy
  • CHA921 - Group Dynamics & Facilitation
  • CHA922 - Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care: Extending the Mission of the Church

This is a great opportunity to learn from highly qualified and experienced educators who are willing to guide you and share their practical knowledge and experience, while also being able to share with you some of the latest research and resources in the field.

If you would like to know the details for each one of the courses mentioned above, check our Professional Development units, or use the form below to contact us.