Bachelor of Ministry (Honours)

Course Description

The Honours program is designed for students who have graduated with a three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Ministry from the AUT, and who have demonstrated high academic potential. It is a means of preparing women and men for advanced research in ministry.

See the AUT website for the full list of course learning outcomes.

Entry Requirements

Academic Qualifications

  • BTh or BMin with GPA min 2.0 overall, with 2.0 in the designated field of study

Language Qualifications for NESB

  • IELTS 7.0 overall with a minimum of 7.0 in reading and writing, and 6.5 in listening and speaking OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work

(Morling recommends students to consider this option only if their GPA in the designated field of study is 2.8 or above.) Students wishing to enrol in the Bachelor of Ministry (Honours) program must have successfully completed at least 4 cps of biblical languages as part of their initial degree.

Study Pathway

This honours course accentuates the outcomes of the Bachelor of Ministry and prepares men and women for advanced research in theology and ministry.

Career Options

Together with training men and women for pastoral practice, this course also prepares graduates to be advanced researchers in their chosen field.

Credit Points

The Bachelor of Ministry Honours program requires 96 credit points at AQF level 8 and above, in addition to a completed BMin.

Course Duration

Minimum 1 year, maximum 3 years.

Campuses this course is delivered at:
  • Sydney Campus
  • Perth Campus
  • Brisbane Campus

Course Structure

RM091 or RM095 Research Methods 12
AQF level 8 or above     Coursework in designated field of research    24
AQF level 8 or above Elective Units 24
AQF level 8 Research Thesis (16,000 words) 36


96 credit points at AQF level 8 and above

This is a course of the Australian University of Theology.