Morling College Blog

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Did You Know Teaching is a Unique Missional Opportunity?

Thursday 28th March 2024

Did You Know Teaching is a Unique Missional Opportunity?


Serving God in full-time ministry does not always look like bringing a sermon to the congregation each Sunday. It does look like a life fully surrendered to Christ, whether working in Christian ministry or a secular vocation. Apart from being a stable vocation, teaching is a ministry that enables you to significantly impact the next generation.

Morling College are passionate about growing inspirational men and women to educate and lead the next generation with a Christian distinctive. The Christian Teacher, a quality teacher training program founded on a Christian worldview, was created for this purpose.

Students are thoroughly equipped to follow their ministry pathway by receiving support from two established Christian educational institutions, through a unique partnership arrangement:

Christian Heritage College provides a quality teacher education program via convenient and flexible online delivery, with innovative and inspirational teachers.

Morling College provides pastoral care and mentoring, along with social and academic support through peer enrichment days and an apprenticeship-style placement in a Christian school.

Graduates with Christian Heritage College (CHC) teaching degrees are in high demand for teaching positions in the Christian, Independent and State schooling sectors. Students also rated their experience of studying Teacher Education through CHC well above the national average.

  • 89% found employment on graduating
  • 88% had a positive experience overall
  • 91% were positive about their skill development
  • 92% rated teaching practices positively
  • 89% rated support services positively
  • 93% were satisfied overall

(Source: QILT (Quality Indicators for Learning & Teaching) Surveys 2021 -2022.

If you’re passionate about ministering to the next generation of young people, check out The Christian Teacher. You can enrol either as an undergraduate on leaving school or post graduate if you’re looking for a change of career. Commonwealth Supported Places are available, making this a very affordable degree. 

More information?

Contact or download the Student Information Guide.

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