** Pre/Co-Requisite: CPS801
The focus of this unit is on supervisory practice as it relates to the professional and personal wellbeing and resilience of supervisees and their clients. Grounded in a Christian Worldview, the unit content will invite students to critically evaluate the factors involved in resilience and wellness and identify and initiate ethical and appropriate supervisory interventions. Students will develop an awareness and appreciation of the physiological and emotional responses to stress, burnout and issues associated with a lack of self-care in supervisees. Students will learn to recognise relational responses in supervisees that indicate specialised support is required and make appropriate referrals. Relevant issues of mental distress and illness will also be explored. The relevance of systems theory to supervisory support for the supervisee will be considered. Students will be required to engage in multi-dimensional reflective practice throughout this unit to enhance their capacity for insight and awareness in supervision.