OT024 / OT025 - Jeremiah (English / Hebrew)

Jeremiah is often referred to as the weeping prophet. This is understandable as he lived through one of the darkest periods which ended with the exile for God’s people to Babylon.

In this unit, we will explore the message and Jeremiah as a mixture of persuasion, prosecution and prediction. In addition, we will analyse the methods he used to convey the message and the responses that this evoked. As we examine specific sections of the book, we will see how a theology of covenant is deeply influential on the message. We will also encounter a grumpy prophet who complains strongly to God and also take note of the glimmers of hope in the book and how this points forward to a better time and highlights God’s faithfulness.

At a time when the church in the Western world has been largely marginalized in society and is experiencing its own kind of exile, the book of Jeremiah has much to say to us as we seek to live out our faith in the minority.

OT024 (English)

Pre/Co-requisite Units: 

OT002 or OT003
OT024-712 pre-requisite: 96cps of study, including 36cps at AQF level 6

Unit Exclusions: 

Prior to 2020, this unit content was delivered under the unit code OT428/OT628.
Unit Exclusions: OT014/015 (if the Jeremiah optoin has been taken).

OT025 (Hebrew)

Pre-requisite Units: 

LA004, plus OT002 or OT003

Co-requisite Units: 

OT002 or OT003
OT025-712 co-requisite: 96cps of study, including 36cps at AQF level 6

Unit Exclusions: 

Prior to 2020, this unit content was delivered under the unit code OT438/638.
Unit Exclusions: OT014/015 (if the Jeremiah option has been taken).

Full Course Unit Descriptor:

For the full Course Unit Descriptor, please see the Australian College of Theology website