Single Unit For Credit (CCSC)

Single Unit

Students can study a single unit from either the Master of Counselling, Master of Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care, or the Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision degrees. This is stand alone Certificate which can also be counted for Credit towards a Masters degree if they enrol within 10 years.  The Single Unit itself is not an AQF award. 

Students undertaking single unit study are ineligible for FEE-HELP funding and must pay their tuition fees upfront. Fees are set as per our tuition fee schedule at the domestic/overseas per-unit rate.

[If you are interested in a Single Unit for Professional Development, that does not need to be completed for credit, please see our Professional Development courses for Therapists and Chaplains]

Entry Requirements

You will need to be able to meet Morling College’s entry requirements for the award to which the unit belongs.

For more information or if you wish to study a Single Unit, then please contact the CCSC Faculty at [email protected] or [email protected]

Study Modes

All units are delivered fully online.

Course Type


Course Area

Counselling, Chalpaincy & Spiritual Care Courses

Registered Provider

Morling College